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The room was only half enlightened by an ajar shutter. Jason couldn't understand why the only weak ray of sunlight had to hit his face. It was bold of it to deliberately choose that almost dead-white face to land; yet he was too lazy to go and close the damper fully, something in his brain wouldn't let him do that. But it would let him get up and leave the room instead; 'what the heck is wrong with you' he demanded his own mind as he walked trough the corridor of that nasty and narrow flat he stayed for the past two days.
The door was already shut when he realised he was heading to his motorbike.
So many memories of Bruce giving it to him ran through his mind while he let his hands rush on the black and lucid metallic paint.
Who didn't know him well could say that he loved that heavy and fast thing. Who knew him properly could have added 'more than his own life'.
Soon he found himself driving towards the manor, wind ruffling his hair making him giggle like a little and light hearted child.
Nothing mattered to him in that precise moment: not the destination of his short travel, nor the people that he would have met there.
He was at peace, or so he thought.
Jason didn't know what peace was.

The manor was way more similar to the last picture he ha s in his minds than what he expected it to be: still a mausoleum of all the souls that it has given a home to.
Still Wayne manor, but he would have never doubted that.
The boy rang the bell, something that surprised himself too; the windows felt more like the right path, but he was there to choose the good things, not the right ones.
The manor appeared to be empty, so he gave the windows a try.
"Jason" some feminine, yet deep, voice exclaimed calmly.
He turned around suddenly, muscles tended as if he was doing something wrong.
"Cass". It was her, couldn't have been anyone else with that light walk.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I..." as soon as the words left my mouth I realised that there was no reason.
No reason for me to be there. Just the pure feeling of homesickness.
My heart needed the sight of those walls, of those books and that smell.
"I was dancing" she said going back to her business.
"Cool, cool" he whispered looking still a little surprised; "Do you want to...?" Cass asked, her cheeks were soft red, her breath heavy.
"Oh... yeah, sure".
Jason secretly loved to dance; he never showed anyone his passion, but he did dance with Roy when they lived together. Slowly in the living room, hands pressed to each other bodies.
He let Cass do all the hard work: conducing, timing, everything. Music was just floating around them making everything seem unreal.
Jason was astonished: Cass hadn't seen him in ages, probably the last time she saw him was when Bruce let her stay and gave her a vigilante duty or something. She barely knew his name, and because of that he shouldn't have been that surprised that she was dancing with him. Yet he found it so peaceful, a peace he ne ed felt he had in his life; only with Roy, maybe.
When the song stopped Cass pulled back and went for the stereo to put the disc back into its shelf.
Then she left. Just like that, she disappears leaving Jason's feeling of unreality running all over his shoulders.
Suddenly he knew what he went there for: peace.
And Cass gave him that.

"I found it Roy" Jason whispered looking halfway up to the ceiling, "I found peace".
And it was that place.

Very much not humor, but liked that so i wrote it.

p.s. Yes, Roy died here.

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