I'm walking through the mall. It was my favorite place to hang out with my friends before I moved. I'm just happy to be back. Besides, the karate fight has nothing to do with me. I can't believe my parents moved for that stupid reason. I'm just happy that Sam and the LaRussos were kind enough to let me stay with them while my drunk parents get their shit together. I'll probably be staying with them for a few months- enough to get my parents out of rehab anyway.
I found a cute black hoodie. I walk up to the register.
"Just this please," I place the hoodie on the counter.
"$20.93," A middle-aged man behind the counter says.
"Here," I slide him the money across the counter.
"Here's your change," He says while placing the pennies in my hand.
"Thanks," I reply and I grab the bag.
I walk out of the store. My wallet is basically empty at this point so I might as well go home to the LaRussos.
I go into the parking lot and grab my keys out of my wallet when I hear shouting near my car.
I run over to my car and there's two boys screaming at each other in the car next to mine.
"What the hell?" I ask myself.
"Got beaten to a pulp by a crippled son of a bitch," One of the boys tease.
"You weren't even there asshat!" The second boy barks.
"Can you two quiet down?" I yell, fed up with their bullshit.
"Shut up bitch!" The second one yells at me.
"Have some sense of manners, Kyler," The first boy smacks the second boy's arm playfully.
"Whatever," The second boy, Kyler I guess, mumbles.
"I'm Robby," The first boy says kindly.
"Y/N," I say, shaking his hand through the car window.
"Wanna go for a drive? We can bring you back after to pick up your car," Robby offers.
"No thank you, I have to get home soon. Some other time?" I smile.
"Yeah. I can give you my number," He suggests. I pass him my phone and he enters his number.
"See you around?" I shrug.
"Yeah," He smirks at me and I just laugh.
They drive away. I get in my car and start it up. Then I realize that this is the boy Sam was telling me about. She told me to stay away from him, but he seems nice. I don't know what to do anymore. I guess I'll just drive.

Sides (Tory x Y/N)
FanfictionY/N L/N, Sam's childhood best friend, comes back to town after her family moving her away because of the karate fight in the school. Y/N has to live with the LaRussos because both of her parents are drunkards. Y/N makes a few friends from Cobra Kai...