Part Sixteen

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I warm up with the others at the dojo. While stretching, Ky starts a conversation.

"You guys gonna go to prom?" He asks.

"Eh, prom's not my thing," Tory shrugs.

"I'll just go to the afterparty," I say.

"Unlike you two, I'm going to go. And I have a date," He tries to brag.

"We're dating, dipshit. We could go if we wanted to," Tory snaps.

I just laugh.

"You're... wait..."

"Shut the fuck up dumbass," I tease.

"Y'all not straight," He laughs.

We laugh for a few minutes while we wait for class to start.


Class ends and I'm on my way out when I see Robby talking to Sensei Silver. I just shrug and walk out of the dojo, it's probably nothing.

"Hey Tory!" I see her standing there, "You been waiting for me?"


She never stutters.

"Is something wrong?"


"Tory, be honest with me!"

"Nothing's wrong, Y/N! I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm definitely not going to this prom shit," She sighs.


Robby walks out the door.

"Robby's taking me home," She says quickly.

"I can drive.."

"No," She interrupts me.

Robby gives her a look and she just sighs.

"See you later Y/N."

I walk to my car and drive back to my house. My mom just got out of rehab so I can go home. There's still an hour before prom. Maybe I could go, clear my mind. Tory Nichols is the girl of my dreams. She loves me, right? She wouldn't do anything stupid right?

I just need to trust her.

I pick this blue dress and put on some makeup

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I pick this blue dress and put on some makeup. I'll go to prom, drink some punch, then go to the afterparty and hang out. I don't have anything else to do. I just hope Tory's okay. She seemed off earlier.

'Can you pick me up? I changed my mind' I text Kyler.


A few minutes later, a limousine shows up to my house. I run out and climb in the backseat next to Kyler.

"Badass right?" He jokes.

"Holy shit! How'd you pull this off?" I ask.

"Pulled a few strings," He laughs.

"Badass," We fist-bump.


The prom is raging. The music is super loud. I laugh as Kyler tries to impress his date with his breakdancing skills.

I go get a cup of punch when I see Eli alone at the table.

"Excuse me," I say.

"No date huh?"

"Shut the fuck up," I push him out of my way.

"What happened to your little girlfriend?"

"She hates prom. None of your business if there was anything wrong between us anyway. Now, don't make me beat your ass at a school event huh?" I say as I pour myself a glass.

"Whatever you wanna say to make yourself feel better," He says.

I slam my elbow into his shoulder and he winces in pain.

"Oops. Sorry bout that," I say sarcastically as I walk back to Kyler and his friends.

Miguel and Sam's smiles drop. I look to where they were looking.


Cobra Kai's don't cry. Cobra Kai's don't cry. Cobra Kai's don't cry.
Then why is there a tear sliding down my face?

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