Part Eleven

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"Sensei Kreese," I open the door of the dojo.

Sensei Kreese sits at a desk doing paperwork.

"You're back," He notices me.

"Yeah... could I crash here tonight? I got kicked out," I ask. If he says no, I have no idea where I'll go.

"Stay as long as you need," He smiles, "but you need to clean the mats after class."

"Of course. Thank you. If there's anything else I can do to help around here, just let me know," I offer politely. The man is letting me have some place to sleep. Anything I can do, I will.

"You could sign up for Cobra Kai. They're already your family. You might as well help them out. This is the side you picked."

All of my friends have told me I should join. Maybe I should. I have the chance. But I don't have the money. I should get a job.

"I'd be honored to join Cobra Kai, Sensei," I say.

"Perfect. Show up to tomorrow's practice."

"Yes Sensei."

"Be aware that there's another Sensei here... Sensei Silver. He is my equal and your other Sensei so you will treat him as such. Understood?"

"Yes Sensei!"

"Good. I'm sorry there isn't a sleeping bag or something. But make yourself comfortable," He says kindly then leaves for the night. I guess this is where I am now.


I wake up to the sound of fists pelting a punching bag.

"Kyo! Kyo!" A voice says as fists pummel the bag.

"Hey Robby," I say as I pick my head off the ground.

"Good morning L/N," He says as he takes a sip from his water bottle.

"'Morning," I mumble.

"Whatcha got planned for today?"

"Apply for a job, go to practice, stall for time, come back here and sleep," I say. It's nothing special.

"Why do you need a job?" He asks.

"I can't afford classes here. Gotta find money somehow."

"You're joining Cobra Kai?" He asks skeptically.

"Yeah. It's pretty badass here. It's where I wanna be," I smile.

"That's awesome."

I check the time.

"Shit I'll be late for the interview. See you soon!" I run out the dojo.


"I haven't had a job before but I'm a hardworker sir. I'll put in my best effort," I plead.

The interview has been going well, but I lack experience.

"You're hired," The manager says.

"Really?" I confirm.

"Yes ma'am. You'll start tomorrow at the night shift. Welcome to the roller rink staff."

"Thank you," I shake his hand, "I'll have to get going but I'll see you tomorrow."


"Good afternoon class," Sensei Kreese says as I enter the dojo with my gi on, "Ah yes. We have a new student. Meet Y/N L/N. Fall in!"

I fall in to the back row. I watch as him and the man next to him, who I presume to be Sensei Silver, lead class.

"Forward strike!" Sensei Kreese says.

"Kyo!" We all shout as we practice the forward strike.

"Combat time. But let's make things interesting. We each bet on a fighter. Loser buys the winner beer," Sensei Kreese suggests to Sensei Silver.

"You're on," Sensei Silver shakes his hand.

"Nichols," Kreese says.

Silver picks this other girl.
The girl does a cartwheel. Tory knees her to the chest and uses her legs to throw the girl onto the ground. Tory wins.

"I'll take the newcomer," Kreese points to me and I stand up.

Silver picks a random guy.

"He barely kicks. Find a way to use that," Sensei Kreese says.

"Yes Sensei."

I walk on to the mat and I bow to the guy. He tries to punch me but I block it. I try to kick him but he dodges and sneaks behind me. I anticipated that so I turn to face him. He keeps trying to punch me but I kick him in the arm. He's only paying attention to his upper body, so I sweep the leg and kick him in the chest.

"Good job L/N," Kreese says as I walk off the mat. I sit next to Tory as a few other people fight.

"You did good," She says to me.

"Thanks, you too."

In this moment, it feels official. I'm part of Cobra Kai.

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