Secret admirer 

887 56 3

Winter  (POV)

I wake up..
I am in a small room.
I am chained up and have tape over my mouth.
I start screaming. 'Someone please help me please let me go but it is mumbled'.

No answer just silence and that is what I sit in for exactly 3 days 4 hours and 12 minutes I counted because that is the only thing I can do..

I gave up screaming. I gave up....

I wished Lucifer would come and save me and wrap me in his arms and tell me everything was going to be alright.. even if he kills people...

I haven't eaten or drank... I am dying.

I hear a key going into the doorknob..

With what strength I have left I move under the metal bed..

'Come out Winter I'm not going to hurt you as long as you listen'...

I don't listen and stay under the bed....

I see hands.. then seconds later the bed is lifted..

I see who it is, it is a good looking guy in a suit but his looks could never be compared to Lucifer...

He grabs my arms and drags me out..

I managed to get the tape off of my mouth so I bite his hand...

He screeches and starts cursing...
'Your lucky I like you because if I didn't I would have killed you in seconds'...

'Who are you' I yell...

'Well darling if you must know I am Mark the leader of the German mafia'.

What do you want with me' I yell

'I want to get payback. Lucifer killed my parents and so I will take the only thing he cares about and that is you'.

I start crying tears continuously stream down my face. All I think about is why me why meeeee....

'You can cry as much as you want I don't care'...
'We can make this easy if you choose'.

he touches my butt, I kick  him in the nuts and make a run for it but am stopped by the chains wrapped around my arms,that I forgot about...

'Have it your way'

He gets a knife out of his pocket and cuts my leg I scream in pain..

'I'll be right back' he says looking panicked..

I honestly and fully give up, no one is going to save me, no one cares. I have no one...

I hear screams and then I hear the door open. I prepare my self for what's about to come. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait...

'Winter I'm here' I recognize the voice 'Lucifer'
I open my eyes and there he is he runs at me and hugs me.
'I will never let you leave my side again Winter'
All I can do is cry tears of joy..
'Let me get you out of these and let's go home'
He removes the chains and carries me out.

We make it to the car. He places me inside the seat..

With what I have left I ask. 'Did you kill him' he looks at me with sorrow. 'He got away I am so sorry but you don't have to worry about him again'

He hugs me and I start to fall asleep a peaceful sleep the last thing I feel is his lips on mine in a quick peck then I fall completely asleep...

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