Caught my eye

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Lorenzo (POV)

Me and the gang decided to go out to dinner to celebrate winning a fight over  the British mafia..
We arrive at lorna and we take a seat..

We are talking when the waiter comes up to us..
When I look up I am in complete shock there standing is one of the Beautifulest people I have ever seen..

He asks if we're ready and Daniel gave him a snotty answer.. I saw how his eyes moved he had some spice in the facade of niceness..

He walks away and I then look at his outfit he is wearing a turtle neck and jeans.. the jeans are tight on his ass and just shows how nice of a butt he has..

He comes back and we order and then when he arrives with our food.. I was going to say something flirty but it wouldn't come out.
I have never in my life felt like this. I always have a answer...

But right now I just don't..
Daniel yells at him for not bringing the wine as well and I just want to smack him on the back of the head..

He brings over the wine in glasses and by the way he was walking back I knew he was up to something..

He passes everyone there glass but when it's Daniels turn he pours it on him...
He stands back and I can tell he is trying not to laugh and this was no accident..

He sassily says..
I'll go get napkins.. and struts off.

When he comes back he looks really nervous..
He passes the napkins and says sorry..
'Your paying for this' Daniel yells
'Ok' he says without a care in the world...

I see him go to the bathroom and for some reason I choose to follow..

Once I see him.. he is staring at himself in the mirror and splashing water on his face..

He then looks directly at me.
'What do you want I said I'd pay' he says angrily..

'You don't have to pay and I was just checking in to see if you are alright'

He looks kinda shocked.

He starts to walk by the door where I'm standing but there is a puddle of water on the ground and he slips..

But right before he can fully slip I catch him.
And for awhile we just stare at each other we are so close.

Out of no where he hugs me..
He is desperately holding onto my neck.
I hug him back and run his back..

'Hey it's ok' I try to reassure him..
He just stays silent...
He lets go and stares at me..
'Thank you' he says
Then just walks off.

I can't help the connection I feel between us I want him by my side..

'I will find out who you are'... I say to myself

I get back to the table..
'Hey where have you been' one of them says..
'Oh about that I want you to find everything you can about that waiter'

They just stare at me...
'Well I mean he is pretty cute' Daniel says.
'Shut up Daniel' I say

I will have you mysterious beauty.......

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