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Winter (POV)

We have been in Italy for about 3 weeks.
We unpacked and really made ourselves at home we have a super nice condo that Cat is renting..

I decided I need to find a job because I don't want to have to live off of Cat my whole life..

I start searching through ads online and a few minutes later I come across a job offering as a waiter at a really exquisite restaurant.. called Lorna..
They had been a job offering because of the poor treatment by the rich customers the waiters are getting..

I don't mind though so I call in and give them my phone number and wait for the call back to see if I got it..

Cat gets back from her little shopping trip at the grocery store..

'Cat guess what' 'Uh what' she asks
'I just applied for a job'!
'Omg fun but you don't have to you know'
'I know but I want to start helping myself you know what I mean'?
'Yah I guess we'll hope you get it'

Later that night I get a call saying that I got the job and too come in as soon as possible......

I am so thrilled I can't wait... I shortly go to sleep so I can have enough rest for the day ahead...

I wake up ready to start the day I get ready into a tight black turtle neck that showed off my tiny waist and then a pair of jeans with rips..

I order a Uber and 35 minutes later I arrive at Lorna..

I get out and see how majestic the place really is..

I walk in and see a lady at a reception desk..
I walk up to her. 'Hello um I was offered a job last night'. 'Oh yes you must be Winter'
Come with me I'll show you around we open at 7 pm by the way... 'good to know'
'She finishes showing me around'
'Um will I have to wear a uniform'.
'Oh here we don't do that just wearing nice clothing like what your wearing right now is good'
'Ok well I'll be back at 7 pm then'
'Alrighty see you at 7'
'We bid our goodbyes'

I get back home and make dinner and then after that it is around 6:25 pm so I call the Uber..
'Cat I'll be back around 12 pm don't wait up for me'
'Ok have fun good luck' she yells from her room.

I arrive at the restaurant a little nervous but hide those emotions and walk inside..

'Oh winter your here, ok you know what to do'
'Because we have some special guests with us today'

'Yes I am ready to go'
'Ok very well go serve table 8'. 'Be extra nice'
'Ok'. I ask a little confused did she think I was not going to really nice..

I make my way to the table and see they all look like they have expensive suits on and watches...

I look at there faces and they are quite hot..

'Hello I'm winter I'll be your waiter for tonight are you ready to order'

'No we aren't ready to order are you stupid we have our menus in our hands idiot go away' some guy says on the right if me.. ok so the arrogant group..

'Very well then' I walk away and serve another table...

I make my way back to there table..
'Are you ready to order'
'Yes and what took you so long' the same guy says.
'Well I do have other tables to serve'
He rolls his eyes..
They order there food..
'hey you we want a bottle of wine also 1850'

'Ok coming right up'
I used to be a bar tender so I am good at carrying a lot of plates and glasses for example...

I get there good to them and then I notice the man at the far end in the middle almost looking like he is sitting in a throne and the others are below him..
He is the hottest out of them all...

'Did you forget our wine moron'
'Nope they were just getting it'

These men are really getting on my nerves...
I get the wine and poor them into cups and start to make my way over to them I have a idea but I don't know how it's going to go down..

I start places the glasses when u see the asshole and I go to pass it and let it slip out if my hand on purpose and it all pours all over him....

He screams he looks like a tomato and I let out a giggle they all then look right at me..

I then proceed to smile and say I'll get napkins and strut off. Leaving them in shock..

I make my way to the kitchen and a chef sees me grabbing a bunch of tissues..
'what happened'
'Don't tell but I poured wine on a asshole'
She laughs 'what table'
Table 8...

Her smile drops... 'do you know who they are'.....
'No' I say curious..
They are the Portuguese mafia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And the leader Lorenzo is with them!!!!!

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