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I was at my locker and Ava came up to me. "Slut" she said, and pushed me into my locker.

What on earth?

I finished grabbing my stuff and slammed my locker closed.

I walked up behind Ava and grabbed her shoulder, turning her around.

"Who the hell are you calling a slut?" I asked. "Uh you obviously" she said matter of factly. "And why's that?" I asked.

"You know damn well why" she said. "Ok maybe I do, but why don't you tell me, just incase" I told her. "You slept with other guys while you were with Scooter" she said, blankly.

I did what?!

"Me!? I did that!?" I laughed. "Yeah you did" she said. I stopped laughing and bent down to her level, as she was shorter.

"Listen here Ava. I know what I've done" I stood back up. "Don't even think about showing your face at the game later" she told me. "Why not?" I asked.

"Because everyone knows what you've done. You little slut" she said and walked off, flipping her ponytail.

I kicked my locker and stormed off to my dorm.

I walked into the dorm and threw my stuff on the floor.

"That bitch!" I screamed. "Hey what's the matter?" Dwayne asked, walking out from his room.

"That bitch Mindy started a rumor about me!" I yelled, frustrated. "What did she say?" He asked sitting in the couch. "She said I slept with other guys while I was with Scooter!" I yelled.

I stormed into my room and slammed the door.

"Oh and by the way, I'm NOT going to the game!" I shouted.

Cheater || Dwayne RobertsonWhere stories live. Discover now