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Chapter Seven: "All Valley"
Season 1, Episode 7

Chapter Seven: "All Valley" Season 1, Episode 7

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they did their junbi position where christian stood next to his best friends, "bow," they all bowed to their sensei, "fighting positions,"

sensei lawerence walked around his students kicking hawk's foot a bit more forwards getting him into the correct fighting position, "stabilise your base, hawk, keep your balance, full rotation when you strike,"

"yes, sensei! hyah!"

sensei looked towards one of his cobra kai's who flinched, "did you just flinch, virgin?" when sensei does it to another student who flinches, "holy shut, we've got a room full of flinchers,"

"yes, sensei!"

christian furrowed his eyebrows knowing that wasn't a question their sensei was asking, "that was not a question! raise your hand if you've never been punched in the face," christian turns seeing most of the cobra kai's have their hands raised expect for miguel, aisha and himself, "put your hands down,"

sensei comes back to the front, "all your lives, you've been avoiding fights so you don't break your lose or lose a tooth," christian looked at his sensei, "this concussion nonsense,"

sensei looked around at his students, "so, there's only one solution, and that is before you leave this dojo, each and every one of you is gonna take a punch, very hard, to the face,"

sensei then looked to aisha, "ms robinson, and mr diaz, line 'em up, unflinch this group," miguel and aisha nod their heads, "yes, sensei,"

christian nods his head when aisha turns to look at him and miguel, christian excusing himself coming into his sensei's office, "hey, sensei, i need to ask you something,"

johnny didn't look up from the magazine, "first aid's under the counter, we got a bleeder?" sensei asked looking away from his magazine to his student, "no, well, i mean yewh, we do, there's a lot of blood but this is about something else,"

"what is it?"

christian's sensei raised an eyebrow intrigued, "um, well, there's this girl at school—" johnny interrupted christian, "is she hot?"

christian ignored his sensei's comment, "-and she's super smart.." johnny interrupted him again, "is she hot?" christian makes a face to his sensei, "funny and cool,"


christian ran his hand through his hair, "yes, she's, super hot," johnny smiled, "nice," christian looked at his sensei, "i'd think you'd really like her, she likes karate, and.. i wanna ask her our, but i just don't know how to, girls normally ask me,"

johnny chuckled, "what's there to think about? she's hot, and all those other things," christian sighed, "yeah, but what if she says no,"

johnny now stood in front of his student, "never accept defeat, parker, there is no 'no'," christian makes a face, "pretty sure no means no,"

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