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Bella walked into work and walked into the staffroom. She smiled as she saw Tom and smiled

"hey are you okay, why don't I get you a coffee you like tired" he said as bella smiled

"that would be nice but you now why I am tired" bella said as Tom looked to her and smirked, bella saw Leigh and walked over to her sister and smiled

"that seems interesting you and Tom. Is there something going on I should know about" Leigh asked as bella looked to her sister and sighed, she knew how hard Leigh was trying to settle her up with Tom and it annoyed her.

Bella knew that she didn't want anything serious and how she and Tom were sneaking around and having sex and that's all it was with them

"you don't need to go there Leigh. I told you Tom and I are friends and that's all we ever will are trust me. You need to stop trying and setting me up" bella said as Leigh looked to her and smirked

"whatever you say Bella but I can tell that you and Tom are more than friends" Leigh said as bella looked to her and rolled her eyes

. Bella wasn't going to argue over this anymore

Bella sat in her classroom and looked to see Tom as he walked in and smirked

"I don't know about you but I am getting a little tired of being asking over our relationship which isn't a relationship and we need to well get rid of the stress that we have" Tom said as bella stood up and leant against her desk

"that's funny as I was feeling that same way" bella said as Tom waled over to her. He lifted her up onto the desk and stood between her thighs.

Bella moaned as she ran his hands up her thighs as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

Bella ran her hands through his hair as she felt him pull off her thong as he pulled her to him.

She undid his belt and smirked as she looked to him. He ran his hands up her thighs and pulled her to him as He pushed into her causing her to moan in pleasure. Bella moaned as she ran her hands through his hair and moaned against his touch. Bella soon felt herself release her load as she rolled her head back as Tom followed her as he kissed her neck and smirked

"it's all worth it" he said as she smiled

Bella got home and sighed as she saw her mum "so your sister tells me that you and Tom are making a go of things I'm glad it's nice to see you settled" Kate said as bella groaned. She was annoyed

"there is nothing going on with me and Tom and I wish people would mind their own business I am young and if I don't want to settle down I don't have to. I just wish that you would all back off" bella spat

bella was annoyed by it all and she hated it. She hated how people were trying to force her and Tom together and she didn't know how much more If it she could deal with

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