Where you eyes linger

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Name: Where you eyes linger

Folgen: 8

Erscheinungsdatum: 2020

Director: Hwang Da Seul


Genres: Romance, Youth, Drama, Melodrama

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Genres: Romance, Youth, Drama, Melodrama

Tags: LGBTQ+, Rich Male Lead, Secret Crush, Childhood Friends, Long Time Friends, Housemates, Miniseries

Country: South Korea

Stream:  Viki


Meet Han Tae Joo, the 18 year-old student and successor to the TB Group. Blessed with a wealthy family, good looks and popularity, he has few worries. Kang Gook, his thoughtful childhood friend, is physically strong and is  trained in different martial arts disciplines. Tae Joo is Kang Gook’s only friend. Tae Joo trusts Kang Gook and feels at ease around him.  Tension erupts between them when a new female student, Hye Mi, shows interest in Kang Gook. As the two go on a date, Han Tae Joo becomes irritated, and soon after, long-suppressed emotions start surfacing. Could there be more to their platonic friendship?



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