Chapter 0: he sold his son???

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Cold winds blew as a tall, black haired, muscular man stood above a building awaiting the arrival of a certain individual to do business, a towel holding a child wrapped around his body.

A white haired, old man walked into an alleyway between two gigantic buildings, a promised meet up spot to exchange the necessary merchandise.

The black haired man jumps down from the building causing a mini crater upon landing, "well well, I didn't expect you to arrive so early, must be excited for this deal," his words weren't harmful yet it disturbed the other man.

"Shut it," words akin to daggers echoed across the chilly alleyway, "you are the one who put up a Zen-in for sale, Toji Fushiguro." The old man began walking towards Toji, his fist's clenched. "You didn't only marry into our powerful family but you choose to sell the child too, your arrogance knows no bounds."

"Hahaha, unclench those fists old man... unless you wanna lose them." The latter end of the sentence was said with a tense and cold tone; making the old men sweat and shiver.

The old man regained his composure and blurted out "U-ah... so... are we making the deal or not!" This sentence made Toji grab the neatly wrapped blanket that he tied around his body to hold the baby and push it forward.

The old man grabbed the child who was surprisingly sound asleep, "as promised, you can receive any favor from the Zen-in clan," this was a grand reward, due to the authority of the clan in japan, it had immense influence similar to the Todoroki clan.

Both men walked their separate paths happy with the deal, one regaining his families blood knowing it won't go with the wrong hands, and one knowing he has pseudo omnipotent protection.

4 years later.

Toji made his way to his house after dealing with a massive job, the assassination of a random girl who was guarded by a strong teenager with white hair, he dealt with him easily though. Toji opened the door before being met with many silhouettes of various sizes.

"Who are you people and why are you here," it seemed like a question but it was more of an order to leave immediately, as Toji was not afraid to stain his blade.

Due to none of the figures moving or flinching, Toji began reaching for the blade strapped to his back before a voice spoke out, "name Toji fushiguro, crimes: murder, robbery, extortion, kidnapping, attempted murder, child trafficking, human trafficking, and the list goes on. We got an anonymous tip about your residence, we chose to ignore your crimes and your lifestyle due to us having more on our plate, but now that we received news of you attacking and severely injuring 1 of our pupils, we can not further allow this." The voice came from a small figure, it looked like a mixture of a mouse and a bear.

"We as hero's can not let a mercenary such as yourself roam freely." A tall silhouette that could be recognized by anyone who didn't live under a rock, his two hair strands standing strong as his smile reflecting light resembling a mirror.

"For the attempted murder of young Gojo, we as UA staff came to take you to custody as its our duty as not only teachers but heros" said a black haired man with a strange scarf around his neck.

Toji recognized them, All might, Eraser head, Nezu, Snipe. Midnight, and the rest of the UA staff, he researched about them before going after the boy Gojo.

"I can't win as All might is here, if he wasn't here I would've slaughtered them all before they even spoke," Toji recognized his own strength as beyond human, but All Mights strength was akin to a god.

With a flash, Toji sliced the walls of the house and ran away cracking the floor beneath him, he made the house crumble on its self buying himself valuable time, he was heading to a single place which can help him, the Zen-in household.

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