(2)Semi chapter 10: 1-A

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Ethereal light battled the bleak clouds, an emerald haired boy was feeling weird about this day, his many years of preparations for this.

UA high, no matter age you are, no matter your dream, you would want to enter here.

"Wow!" Izuku didn't usually express emotions since his mothers death, but the site of his future in-front of him was enough to shake his heart.

Drums echoed from his ribcage, his entire life was waiting for this...

"Move it dipshit!" Roared a participant to a crowd in-front of him.

"What did you say ass-hole?!"

"Shut the fuck up freak!"

A cacophony of echoing sound blasted across the colossal ocean walls of the esteemed institution.

Izuku slipped through the holes between the people in the crowd, he made his way to the auditorium, taking a comfy seat ready for the presentation.

"GOOD MORNING TO ALLLLL!" Roared present mic, his enthusiasm never wavering whether on Tv or in real life. "CAN I GET A HEY?!" He exclaimed, pointing his ear to the sea of students, awaiting the response.


Present Mic sighed, in his 6 years of working here, there was only one time he got a response, the students were always too stressed to respond, only the insanely confident and social butterflies answered.

"Without further ado, lets begin the explanation," he clapped, the massive blank wall behind him gaining life, displaying 4 silhouettes.


"UA's technology is really something else,"

"I want a TV wall too!"

"There are 4 robots, the robot's scale on a positive correlation between strength and point allotment, so beware of the 3 pointers, now this doesn't mean that the 1 & 2 pointers are light work, you will have to prove yourself, having a high point count doesn't mean you're in, think of it as a recommendation exam, catch the eye of an examiner and you're in.

The students took this flood of information, all began reviewing their strategies.

Some didn't need to; A clear strategy of blowing up the robots or burning them with acid was set in place.

"Alright, there are cards under all your seats, see the city you're in and head out, lastly, GOOD LUCK TO ALL YOU ASPIRING HEROS!!" He roared the last message, causing the students to cover their ears in hopes of safety from the chaotic teacher.

Izuku made his way to the Teachers lounge, he had went through the recommendations exams so the practical was unnecessary, he need to go meet all might, as the symbol of peace had promised the young boy that they would watch the practical exam together to analyze the students.

It was his dreams coming true, UA, All might's successor and being All mights friend as well, he could rant about this for hours, but right now, he needed to focus and act respectful in-front of the UA staff.

Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in," spoke the white furred rodent, he sipped his tea as he looked upon the examiners fight for the top spot.

"H-hey!" Roared Izuku, bowing at a perfect 90* degree angle.

"Are you sure you don't have present mics quirk?" Spoke Aizawa, rubbing his ears in pain.

"Sorry!!" Izuku begged for forgiveness, he was already setting a bad image, he wanted to go into a hole and never come out again.

"Young Zen-in, come here!" Spoke all might, slapping the seat next to him repeatedly.

"All might!" Izuku's worries drifted away at the sight of the symbol of peace.

"These will be your class mates in the future, so pay attention."

Izuku stared at the screen, he was amazed, laser beams flew from one ens of the battle field to the next, rocks flew around as if weightless, students were able to melt down robots using acids and able to tank punches from robots by hardening their skin.

There were even explosions destroying robots... wait, Explosions??? Izuku shifted his head quickly to look back at the screen, there he stood, in a pile of mangled robots, dirty blond hair and blood red eyes with a sadistic smile.

Katsuki Bakugo, the number one examiner of the public entrance exam for the most prestigious school.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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