Chapter 1 - Uhura's Flinging hair

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Star Trek. Kudos to those who recognizes some of the lyrics.

Jim Kirk is currently in Sickbay after he contracted a rare disease from a planet that their ship had recently encountered. To say that Jim had forgotten to inform Bones that he was already feeling a bit off two days ago was an understatement. If it weren't for his First Officer, the captain would probably still walk around the bridge as if he was a healthy person.

As Jim lay on the bed at a more secluded area of the sickbay (after being threatened with a round of hypos by Bones ofcourse), he decided to make use of his advanced hacking skills in which he obtained from the Academy. After connecting his PADD to a nearby computer system, he swiftly navigated the program and started accessing the security feed of the command bridge.

Meanwhile at one of the consoles, Chekov was still surveying the ship's main bridge system when he spotted a little interference. Upon tapping on said interference, he discovered that it came directly from the Medbay. Thinking that there was some sort of an emergency, Chekov was about to whip around and inform the commander until he noticed a small red dot at the corner of his console which signifies an incoming message . The message read:

"Hey Chekov, its the captain here. I'm sure you have heard about me being imprisoned inside the Medbay haven't you? Well anyway, I decided to have a good time while I'm stuck here. So, mind not telling everyone what I'm up to? I just wanna see how you guys are holdin' up without me. "

Chekov allowed a small grin to grace his features before discreetly typing out:

"Aye, aye captain."

Unbeknownst to the young Russian ensign, Spock was on his own PADD witnessing the 'discreet' exchange between captain and crew with mild amusement. Once he saw Chekov settle back into routine, he started to think of a way to 'purposely invoke a suspenseful reaction' (Mind you but Vulcans dont do pranks) from Jim.

"Yes commander?"
"Can you please notify Dr.McCoy to come up to the bridge? There is a matter of great importance that I wish to discuss with the doctor."
"Aye, captain."

Nyota Uhura kept her small smile hidden from view as she typed out the message. The 'matter of great importance' is most likely about Jim. Honestly, those two (especially the commander) should work harder if they plan to keep their relationship under wraps. If anyone were to pay attention for 5 minutes to their body language, it'll be obvious that there was more to it than the usual Captain-Commander relationship. Add that with Spock's tendency to be 'handsy' in totally unexpected moments, there you'll get your result.

Or Spock could be Jim's personal bodyguard. Spock was the one always making sure that he's safe. He was also seen waking Jim up so that he'll be at the bridge by 8 am.

Wait, doesn't that sound like a part of a song? Uhura swore she heard some of those words before.

The lieutenant was forced to pay a visit to the Medbay, seeing as Bones was nowhere to be found when the message was relayed.

Passing by the engineering docks was always a small reprieve for her, as she and Scotty occasionally meet up for a good ol' Scotch. She caught a part of a song that was playing from Scott's conventional radio.

" Scotty! "
"Ey, Uhura! What's a fine lass such as yerself doin' down 'ere?"
"I'm on my way to Medbay to relay an important message to McCoy."
"Important message? From who?"
"The commander."
"No doubt it's about the captain eyh? Ah well, I'll leave yer to it! Say hi to the captain for me will yer?"
"Sure do, Scotty. Have a nice day!"

Uhura travelled towards the end of the corridor before making an abrupt turn to the left. As she passed by the ensigns who are currently posted at their station, she could feel the gazes that were trailing her as she made her way down to another corridor.

"Huh, are these people standing around just to watch how I fling my hair? "


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