Chapter 2 : No fear

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Author's note at the end of this chapter. :)

Jim Kirk decided he was going to go for voluntary check ups if it meant he could monitor everyone's activity (both general and the not-so-discreet type) without Spock breathing down on him everytime he accessed his PADD. Mind you, he loves Spock 'till the end of time but he got the feeling that the Vulcan still didn't trust him around pretty little things that often flop around inside the ship. Well, he isn't to be blamed, Jim muttered.

And Lord, if anyone told him that a few of his crews were damn crazy when it came to taking "opportunities" between their jobs before, he wouldn't have believed it.

Bones got called up to the deck about half an hour ago, leaving Jim to ponder about a lot of things as he skimed through the ship's activity. The swish of the door nearby made Jim set down his PADD and afterwards he settled against the reclined bed as if he was doing so all along. Jim almost went with pretending to be asleep but the deep worry that etched his friend's face unsettled him.

"Bones? What with that frown?"

Bones dropped the brown folder atop a desk at the foot of the bed, sighing heavily as he did so.

"Jim", Bones began. "Jim, I got some news...regarding what's happening. I thought it was just something you caught from our last mission but as it stands, it is completely something different. "

"Bones, you're freaking me out here. Just spill it out."

" Well, you're....NO. This wont be right coming from me. I think it's best if you consulted with commander Spock about your current predicament."

Jim forgot that he was suppose to play the sick guy when he shifted away from the bed and landed on his foot, his strides were a bit wobbly but the adrenaline coursing through him would sustain his being for a while.

"Bones, you're the Doc here. How is it that you can't tell me what my current predicament is?"

"I can tell you Jim, but, I think this particular matter, due to it's very personal nature, is best dealt between you and Spock."

"What? Since when did you- never mind. Are you trying to screw me around?"

"Dont worry Jim, I got the half Vulcan doing the deed for me."



Jim scanned McCoy's face, there was no sign of mirth in the eyes or even that instinctual twitch at the corner of his mouth when he wanted to prank someone. Whatever the predicament was, it must be damn serious if even Bones didn't want to spill it out.

"Well Bones, I'm just gonna excuse myself to go the deck. Have fun studying whatever the hell is wrong with me."

After giving Bones a mock two finger salute, Jim walked out of the Medibay and proceeded towards the deck while taking deep breaths and mentally reminding himself to stay patient.

He was nearby the engine's area when he bumped into Uhura.

"Captain! Are you okay already?"

"As fine as I'll ever be Lieutenant. Say, what are you doing down here?"

"Just checking on Scotty. He's been complaining about Kreecher's odd disappearance throughout the day, especially when the ensigns needed his service."

"Really? Heh, probably took 'opportunities' as well."

"Yeah...well, I think it's best if we both get going captain."

"Sure thing m'lady. "

Jim threw Uhura a very charming glance which prompted the lieutenant to shake her head. Before he was completely out of the corridor, he heard Uhura calling for him once more.

"Captain! By the way, congratulations!"

"Err...thanks!" What??

" Aye lassie, if Jim really falls for the prank this time, I'll be partying till it's hella late."

Uhura couldn't help but smirked at Scotty's enthusiasm. "Make sure you acquire some champagne for that", she crooned.

Spock's interest on his current task were slowly diminishing at the sudden appearance of his captain.

Kirk gave a brief acknowledgement to his crew before promptly dragging his commanding officer off his station and proceeded towards a more secluded area.

"Hi spock. Wait- dont speak yet. I want to know why Bones is withholding information from me and kept insisting that I discuss my predicament with you. And Uhura. What was she congratulating me for? For being an exemplary captain? Yeah I know I'm great but I didn't think that was the case."

Spock remained silent for a moment , internally sniggering at his T'hyla's outburst despite the fact that Vulcans do not snigger.

"Captain, I have taken measures to, as you would always say, 'break the news' for you,
which is one of the reasons why Dr Mccoy refrained himself from speaking of the matter."

Jim was getting more and more impatient with everyone's vague statements.

"I order you to spill it out commander."

"Spill what out ? If I may ask, captain?"

"What's wrong with me??

Instead of answering, Spock drew Jim closer amd finally settled his left hand on Jim's tummy. The gesture prompted an incredulous look on the captain's expression. As much as he revelled at Spock's tentative touches, he had to address the obvious pink elephant in the room.

Wait. Predicament. Congratulations. Tummy rubbing.

Wait, WAIT.

James T.Kirk had seen and experienced all kinds of strange things that the universe had to offer. But it was almost tame compared to THIS.

Chekov and Sulu gave a high five once Spock delivered his part, all this is ofcourse seen through their control panels. The Scotsman is going to have a field day with this. Not to mention a certain, cackling doctor that's currently sharing his booze stash with a sassy lieutenant.

Note : sorry for the long hiatus folks! I wasn't keen on finishing this story before but once I saw the comments, I couldn't help but deliver another chapter. Long Live spirk!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2017 ⏰

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