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Wanye-to heal a broken heart

A/N hey there! This is my first story. I wrote this as a spin off to Foxypudge, because Wanye was such an angel.

TW: Cutting. Atemted suicide/suicidal thoughts

"Could you leave... please I- I need some... time"


After Ranboo left, I just stared at the pasta. I could feel the tears leaking down my cheek. Ranboo, my love, had cheated on me. I was suddenly filled with rage. I picked up the porcelain plate and I threw it across the room, hearing it smash.

"W-WHY ME WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING" I yelled, picking up the other plate and throwing it down on the ground. I picked up the candles and threw them across the room, and into the sink.
"Shit" i muttered before rushing over and Turing on the water to put them out. I then slumped against the sink, crying into my hands."wh-why me. WHY ME" I screeched yet agian, my ugly crying coupling with my screaming.

I curled up into a ball, no longer able to produce tears. I really thought Ranboo was different that I, somehow would get a happy ending. No.

I thought, " it will be different" and " I should go out there, open my self to feeling." I thought it would be different.

I look to my right and see the plates I broke. "Shit" I muttered I reached out to try and pick them up and throw them in the garbage.

I winced when I felt how sharp the plates where. I cut my hands on the broken plate and a scar with crimson blood and was on my palm. I picked up a large piece that was extremely sharp. I grabbed it tightly, feeling the jagged handle cut my skin.

I could have end it now. No more cheating, no more heart break ever again. They where right. No one would ever love me

This was not my second heart break, or even my third. I've lost track at this point, Ranboo another on top the the pile.

I picked sit up and sliced it across my wrist. I winced at first, but then felt the pain. It felt so... free. I begin to make more cuts, all across my arms and wrist. There was a lot of blood now, but at least the physical pain was blocking out the emotional one.

I learned that a long time ago. After dates gone wrong, homophonic friends and teachers,I realized that physical pain is better than emotional pain.

I finally felt my head go lighter, as more black spots dances on my vision.

Maybe it can end all here. I'll go to heaven, and find my soulmate. Goodbye world
What do you think? This depression sene was disturbingly easy to write...


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