Bus Stop

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Rain, rain, rain.
Tap Tap Tap.
If only he knew the love was a trap.
Drip drip drip.
Drop drop drop.
Wheres the lovers top?

Kurapika, blonde, 5'6, independent, strong, and gorgeous, scarlet eyes, and all over town. Yet never can be found by love.

Mostly thought as a female from his looks....

Asked out by many straight men, handed a rose to be asked right after, "Such a pretty lady, would you care for some one-on-one muffin?"

Obviously, they were rejected. Kurapika never liked others. But the weather was just another thing. The weather was not so perfect always. It was always a dry and hot day.

But as kurapika had seen on the news, there was a high chance of rain for the next 5 days.

He never really had a coat. He never cared about the rain and wetness of the outside.

He was taking the bus as usual, he was exploring the city for the next 5 days. It was sad...it was going to rain his entire break. It was fine though. He could stay in all day. But for he wanted to explore after all that fighting.

Present Day...

"Welp...atleast its a break."

The rain was pouring heavily. All you could hear was rain. Kurapika's heart and breath.

He never knew why, but he always had an empty feeling inside. He had everything so far. He doesn't know what could be missing.

"sigh... This town...truly I will never actually understand it. Careless people.
Not knowing the crime and illegal things that happen. They just think and work and sleep and blah blah blah."

He looks at his watch.

"Two more hours until the bus arrives."

He looked down, thinking about the  unknown or the death of his clan.

He didn't notice it but, a tall man approached the bus stop. The man was snickering and mumbling to himself. He looked pretty angry.

To kurapika he was just another careless citizen. Nothing much. But strangly.....attractive. Not that he loved him or anything. Its just.....him.
He had dark brown hair, glasses, a good jawline, 6'1, side burns, dark eyes, his hair was also spiky, he wore a suit under his rain coat, and he was just ...well........


The man looked like a warm and caring person. He just had that feeling.

Kurapika looked up at the tall handsome figure. "Which bus are you waiting for?"

He kinda looked at kurapika in disgust.
"Well, what bus are Y-O-U riding..?"

Kurapika looked at the man directly in his beautiful dark eyes. "The bus I am riding is heading to York New. I am exploring the city since it is my freetime."

The tall one responds, "Well..thats where I also was headed. I AM NOT GOING AROUND TOWN WITH YOU THOUGH!! This will probably the last we meet, so go fetch other mens wallets."

Kurapika felt offended. He stopped himself from yelling though.
"Well sir, I do not know if I am attracted to men completey yet and I do not believe I would be going to town with a stranger. For I also have no needs or intrests for making money that way."

The taller stares. "Trust me, you women are almost all the same."

Kurapika then couldn't help it. "SIR, I AM A MAN."

The taller's eyes widened.

Kurapika glared at him while his head was looking away. But his eyes still glared at the handsome man.

"But you shouldn't get mad at me really. I am just a bit pissed that my girl cheated. Just using me. So I came here to go to York New for a bit. I guess Im going to be here often. Maybe for like 6 days or so until I can find someone or some company or hospital in need for a doctor."

Kurapika looked at the man feeling a little bad. He didn't know why. He had worse problems than him. He just felt guilty like he couldn't do anything. He forgot he was staring at him while he was thinking.

"Well, it will be raining a lot. So bring coats."

"Oh really!? Well thank you for telling me. I would have been soaked the next day."

The man smirked and stared into Kurapika's beautiful eyes.

"The name is Leorio."

Kurapika looked at Leorio and smiled at his warming face.
"Im kurapika."

"Also one question, why is your face red?? Because I am a doctor you know? That looks like blush."

Kurapika didn't realize it really.

"What do you do often? Kurapika asked.

"I became a doctor just a while back. I still have tons of work back at my apartment. The "work" by the way, is just taxes and bills ya know?"

"Ohhh, I see. Its hard isn't it??"

Leorio felt happy to talk to someone about his problems.

"Yeah, and I have to find a job soon or heh....I will be evicted. My life will have no meaning if thats to happen. I always wanted to just look into a parents eyes and say "theres no need for a bill!" and I just want people to know that some care and I just want to.."

Kurapika paused him for a second.

"So you want to open a free hospital institution?"

"Yes...I do.."

Pika nodded for him to continue

"I want to avenge after what happend to my friend. I tried to save him but, I was broke and couldn't afford and its just." The man kept stuttering a lot.

The blonde widens his eyes as he said that. He looked up at him. "You're just like me. My best friend died too, I tried to take them to a hospital too. Heh. Kinda cool."

Leorio had a tear running down his cheek. "Heh, were the same."

"But it wasn't just my friend.. my clan too. They were killed by the Phantom Troupe. Everyday I think of their fate in my hands when it does, thats the only time I feel I can rest."

Leorio eyes also widend. "YOU MEAN THE ACTUAL TROUPE?? Waiitt. Are you??? The part of the...Kurta??"

Kurapika nods.

"Don't say a word though. If I hear anyone say anything about it, I know who to find."


"Okay good."

Kurapika giggled a little. He doesn't even know why he behaved like that in front of him.

"Oh I am joking Leorio! But don't tell anyone."


A car then drove by, unfortunately, due to the rain there was a they both were splashed with water.

Leorio made a huge fuss.

Kurapika laughed at his childish act.
The blonde then thinks, "he's kinda cute like that.."



"Don't you have a hoodie or a raincoat??"

"Truly I have no care about the rain or getting wet."

"Well thats weird?? Also, we are acting like good friends. You want my phone number??"

"Oh..no thank you."

The bus arrives and they get on. Leorio and him stood up. The older keeps asking the same question, "Why not??"

Leorio was sad when he wouldn't answer. But oh well..

The bus arrives and they both go their seprate ways.

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