Chapter 2

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Kiyotaka Pov

we are currently walking towards the convenience store to buy daily necessities and my brother and Ciel are talking

Kiyotaka " Brother how did you meet this girl anyway?" But Ciel decided to answer my question

Ciel " We meet at the auditorium room and I'm Rimuru-Kun wife," Said in a monotone voice she does not express any emotion like me I was dumbfounded at her answer and looked at Rimuru

Rimuru " What are you looking at? let's just head inside" we then proceed to head inside the convenience store and purchase food since we had a suspicion about the System after we paid for our shopping bag We saw Horikita staring at a shelves.

Rimuru " Oh it's the girl from the bus What's your name?" 

Horikita " Another Unpleasant Coincidence" but did not give her name

Rimuru " Cmon we will be classmates for the next 3 years can you just say your name or should we call you Horikita?" while looking at her ID

Horikita " Fine Horikita Suzune, that's my name," Horikita said and leaving us behind and we saw a free item on the table 

Kiyotaka " So our suspicion is right uh" looking at the free item on the table and we heard a noise outside our classmate fighting someone 

Red Haired " So What if I'm Class D!?" 

Upper Classmen "We'll overlook this for today you guys are already defectives products" and leaving the Red-Haired behind we then go to our respective dorm 

Rimuru Pov

after we brought our daily necessities yesterday we are now walking towards the gymnasium to check the club fair as we enter the gym I saw many students talking to each other I look at Kiyotaka and ask him 

Rimuru " Hey Are you planning to join any club?"

Kiyotaka " No There is no club that interests me" 

Rimuru " How about you Ciel?" While Looking at Ciel

Ciel " I neither ill just follow what club you choose," said in a monotone voice 

Tachibana " Thank you for waiting, first-year students, A representative from each club will explain their activities and how to join. I am Tachibana, the secretary of the student council and the chairman responsible for this club fair. nice to meet you." After the greeting from Tachibana, the club representative lined up on the stage gym.

Hashigaki "My name is Hashigaki, and I'm the captain of the archery club. I think there are a lot of students who find it old-fashioned and simple, but it is a really fun and fulfilling sport. We give all new students a warm welcome, so if you're interested, please join." A girl wearing archery clothes started her introduction on the stage 

No matter how well they welcome beginners, or how appealing their meeting location and times are, it's just another normal introduction. It wasn't just the baseball club, all the clubs seemed ordinary. If I learned anything interesting from these explanations, it was that minor clubs like tea ceremony and calligraphy clubs existed and that the minimum number of people needed for a new club is 3.

Every time a new club starts Their explanation, the first-years chat amongst their friends about the previous club.

The gym had a lively atmosphere to it. The club representatives, and not to mention the supervising teacher, continued their explanations with displeased looks. They must be frantic to get as many new members as possible.

As the senpais finished their explanations, they got off the stage and walked over to some tables. They're probably setting up a reception area so they can talk to people one-on-one and sign them up.

Eventually, all the people on stage walked off until one person was left. Everyone's gaze was centered on the stage. I realized that Horikita had been staring at that one person the whole time.

Manabu " Do you Best~

Random Student " Did you forget to bring your notecards~?

Random Student " Hahaha! 

The first years threw those words at the person. However, the senpai on stage didn't waver at all. Neither the laughter nor the encouragement seemed to reach him. 

Even when the laughter started dying down, his apathetic face didn't change The students started wondering "What is this senpai doing?" and the gym got noisy. I Gaze At Horikita again and Horikita also stared at the boy with an intense gaze.

The relaxed atmosphere gradually shifted in an unexpected direction. It was an electrifying change in mood. Eventually, the whole gym was enveloped in a tense and quiet atmosphere. 

Manabu " "My name is Horikita Manabu, and I am the student council president. The student council is also looking for first-years to replace the graduating third-years. There are no strict requirements to apply for the position, but those who are interested should not be affiliated with any other clubs. Generally, we do not accept any candidate involved in other clubs as well."

Kiyotaka " I wonder if they are related..." 

Of course, it wasn't his position as the student council president that gave him that power. Horikita Manabu also carried a powerful aura. His presence dominated the whole gym but it did not affect us since our aura is stronger than him 

Manabu "Also, we, the student council, are not looking for anyone that has a naive way of thinking. Not only will that kind of person fail to get elected, but they will also inevitably become a stain to this school. The student council is only responsible for regulating the students, but the school expects much more. Those of you that understand can become potential candidates." 

After that unwavering speech, he walked off the stage and exited the building. 

Because no one dared to speak, none of the students spoke up when he left the gym. The students didn't know what would happen if they tried to talk. Everyone felt that way.

Tachibana "Everyone, thank you for coming. With that, the club fair is over. We will now open the reception area for anyone interested in joining. The reception area will only be open until the end of April, so anyone interested after then can bring applications directly to the club."

Rimuru " Since you don't want to join any club Kiyo should we just make our own? well ill gather information you can do whatever you want" I said while leaving the gymnasium and going to Cafeteria and saw a platinum haired girl sitting alone

A/N I'M DOING RIMURUXKIRYUIN SHIP AND who should I ship with Kiyotaka?

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