Ciel Date

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Ciel Pov 

today is my date with Master It is been a while since we spend time together
I'm currently in my room I woke up early to prepare for our date

I'm currently walking towards the boy's dorm to wake up master I go into the elevator and press floor 5

I'm now walking towards master room I brought a duplicate key in his room since we can buy EVERYTHING using points

I silently unlock the door and sneaking to master bed I found him still sleeping cutely I goes into his top and sit there

Master felt there something heavy sitting on him and woke up yawning like a kid

Ciel " Good morning master!" I said with a big smile on my face

Rimuru pov

I woke up and i felt something heavy on my top and I saw Ciel sitting there with the brightest smile on her face

Ciel " good morning master!"

Rimuru " good morning Ciel do u need something? " I said while yawning

After hearing what I said Ciel face saddened I panicked and tried to find out what's wrong after remembering our promise last month to take her on a date

Rimuru " ah... Ill get ready for our date," i said which brightened Ciel I move my face closer to her and kiss her lips which made her blush and hid her face using her hand 

Rimuru " Did u eat yet Ciel? " she shake her head side to side 

Rimuru " Oh okay ill just take shower before I cook for our early lunch do you want to join? " I ask Ciel Teasingly Which made her more embarrassed 

Ciel " Master Baka," Ciel said while hiding her face using her hand I then go inside the bathroom to take a shower After I take shower I then cook our early food Ciel Was helping me cook after a while we are now done cooking and getting ready for our date today since there no school today 

We walk towards keyaki mall and we are gathering Huge attention Because of our Beauty I held her hand which made her flustered 

Rimuru " Do u want to watch a movie? " 

Ciel " Sure Lets Watch the New Spiderman No way Home!" Ciel Said with a star on her eyes 

Rimuru " Cute Let's Go," I said with a bright smile on my face and offered my hand to her and she takes my hand and walk towards the cinema holding hands 

After watching the Movie We then go into shopping every boy's worst nightmare She brought some dresses and she saw a wedding dress and asked me to dress too and take a picture since been a while we got on a date ill make an exception today 

After watching the Movie We then go into shopping every boy's worst nightmare She brought some dresses and she saw a wedding dress and asked me to dress too and take a picture since been a while we got on a date ill make an exception today 

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People on the keyaki mall are gathering around us and taking pictures it was troublesome it will be popular tomorrow in the forum 

Rimuru " Ne Ciel Aren't we Gathering a lot of attention?"

Ciel " Don't worry master it's natural Since We are perfect for each other after all " Ciel Said with a smug on her face it made me embarrassed after we change back to our outfit I held her hand a ran away across the crowd  

After getting away from the crowd I heard a growl on Ciel Stomach I look at my phone to look what time is it I look at her and held her hand and walk towards the nearby restaurant and a waiter walk towards us and asked us our order 

Rimuru " I'll get Spaghetti Alla Carbonara. and a dark chocolate cake as a dessert how about you Ciel? " I look at Ciel Looking at the menu 

Ciel " Then ill get Risotto Alla Milanese. and Lasagna Thank you. " Ciel said and look at me I look at my phone to spend time till our order arrived I look at the school forum and saw our picture of Ciel Trending I look at the comment 

Hotboy69: Wait! Is he Really A Boy!?

BellaPretty: Kyaahhh! They Are perfect for each other~

After a while scrolling in the forum, our food arrived and I started to eat and Ciel looked at me with puppy eyes and looking at my food 

Rimuru " Say Ahhh~~ " with a red tint on my cheeks

 I heard Some squealing around us and boys cursing me I ignore them and continued eating after we are done eating I paid for our meal and since its midday, we decide to end our date here I escort her to the girl dorms she walked towards me and bit...

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 I heard Some squealing around us and boys cursing me I ignore them and continued eating after we are done eating I paid for our meal and since its midday, we decide to end our date here I escort her to the girl dorms she walked towards me and bite my neck leaving a hickey on it without knowing about it

I turn around and start to walk towards my dorm room and decided to sleep early 

*time skip* 

I woke up and started to get ready for school today I stroll around first before going to the classroom since its still early after strolling for a while I start walking towards my classroom I entered I saw all my classmates looking at me the girls have a blush on their face and the boys cursing me

Ike " Rimuru!! Is that a Hickey!?! " Ike said while pointing at my neck I look at my mirror and saw a hickey on it I look around to find Ciel Having a smug on her face 

The morning bell rang. Soon after, Chiyabashira-sensei walked in, 

Sae-Sensei " Everyone Take your Seat " I quickly take my seat and Ciel Having a smug on her face


Author Notes 

I'll make every chapter 2000 Words 

Should I make Shizue Izawa Reincarnated As a princess in this world??

Yes or No

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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