I want to see you

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Gumi's P.O.V.

"Hey, I want to see you right now. But I can't." I said softly as I held held my phone close to me, hoping for it to ring. Waiting for him to text me. My heart began to ache the more and more I wished for him.
I looked out my open window at the night sky. A cool breeze from the ocean blew in. It blew my green hair back and I closed my eyes. Smelling in salty air. Then, a memory of him popped up and I winced. It was painful. Remembering all the good times I shared with him but can't anymore. As he is out there, fighting, over the sea somewhere where I can't go.
All those plain texts I send him never seem to reach him. I hope it's not true though. I hope he gets them.
It's been two years since the day Gumiya told me he couldn't laugh. He was always by my side, always laughed with me, and he was my friend no matter what.
The day he told me he couldn't laugh was the day he went off into war. It was a WWIII. Boys from 18-35 were being drafted and Gumiya was drafted after we had already finished high school. Yet, it was unfair. They didn't have to take Gumiya. Didn't they have other boys? So, why Gumiya? He did nothing wrong. He was just a normal boy living in a small town in Japan.
I didn't want that day he told me was leaving. It was a cold fall day but Gumiya was colder. I wanted the day when it was a warm spring day but Gumiya was warmer. It was the day he had said that warm, "I like you." to me. Making my heart flutter.
I wanted to hear him say that warm," I like you" instead of the cold,"Goodbye."
Every night I would wait and stare at my phone. Waiting for him to respond to my never ending texts.
The last time I heard from him was a year a half ago right after texted me about being sent to America for something. He was going on about how he was having fun there. Seeing new things and meeting nice people.
When I texted him back, I told him I was happy for him and told him how much I missed and loved him. Except, he never texted back. All I did after that was wait, pray, dreamed, and wished for his response as my heart continues to break with the wanting of a response and yearning to see him again.

It has been five years now and I've finished college and started my singing career and work at a part -time job in a manga café. I'm living a pretty good life yet, it still feels empty.
Everyday I keep my phone close, waiting for Gumiya to text me. Still hoping to see him. The want would sometimes even overwhelm me at times and I'd just weep. Weep away all the pain, sadness, fear, and want. Just to have it come back.
I was looking out my window again, phone in hand. Remembering all the times I've spent with Gumiya. Wishing how things could just go back to the way they used to be. I wished I could always stay by his side; always laugh with him for he is always my friend. Even if he was far away somewhere where I can't reach, I would always wish out loud,
"I want to meet you. I want to see you. I want to meet you."

It's been six years since Gumiya left and now the war has been over for a week. We won. Everything is starting up again.
Yet, I haven't heard from Gumiya yet.
Soldiers were supposed to arrive at the airport at 10:00 P.M. It's 9:30 right now. I still have time to make it. Yet, I felt as if I couldn't. But the yearning for him was still in my heart.
As I was looking out my window, I began to wish again.
"I want to meet you again Gumiya." Just then, my phone began to ring from the table. I was shocked at first and stood there by the window, watching it. Then, it stopped.
Walking carefully to my phone, I flipped it open and my eyes widened with tears. A text.
"I want to see you."
Quickly running out of my apartment, I went and grabbed my bike and started to ride to the airport that was just a little ways down the street, as fast as I can. Phone in my hand and tears streaming down my face.
Even it took a while, my feelings reached him. Finally.
When I arrived at the airport, I was only 10 minutes late but soldiers were still getting off and reuniting with their crying,laughing, and smiling loved ones. Welcoming them home.
I began to look for Gumiya. There were seven other planes still arriving and so, I waited. I waited and waited. Watching loved ones reunite. Tear in their eyes because of the joy of seeing them again. But my tears were the tears of sorrow. He wasn't here yet.
It was 2:00 A.M. now and the final plane just started to let soldiers off. People were reuniting again and started to leave. I was the only one left waiting. I sat there all alone. Watching my phone for a text. Nothing.
I was about to leave but something told me to stay. So, I continued to wait. A minute later, one last soldier started to come out. He was a good looking thin and muscular man with green hair and eyes. He wore his uniform neatly and had a big back back with a phone in his hand. He was looking down at it sadly until he looked up and found himself facing me. Shocked.
I got up and continued to stare at him. Is it really him? Or is just an imposter. This doesn't feel real anymore. It's too surreal.
So, I then started to text and I typed,
"I want to meet with you again."
Pressing send, his phone began to ring and he looked down and read it. Tears welling up in his eyes as he smiled.
"Gumi-chan, Tadaima(I'm home)." he said. I began to sob as I tackled him and squeezed him.
"Baka! Why didn't you text me!?" I cried out with my face buried into his uniformed chest.
"I did." he said. Just then, my phone began to go off like crazy as six years worth of texts started to finally come through. I smiled. So my feelings where always being sent huh? I'm happy.
"Okairi(welcome back)." I greeted him.
"Gumi." Gumiya sighed out as he hugged me tightly.
"I missed you, I read every single text you sent me and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you. I really missed you. I always wished you were there with me. To comfort me as I traveled around the world and saw many good things and bad things. I saw too much and wanted you there to help me. Hehe. I'm pretty useless aren't I? I really needed you. Gumi, I missed you so much." Gumiya said weakly as I heard his voice tremble just like his body.
I hugged him tightly and said,
"I missed you so much too Gumiya. Let's not leave each others sides again."
Gumiya pulled away and held my right hand a placed the other one on my tear stained cheek, caressing it.
"Yea. Let's never leave the other one behind ever again. Gumi, Aishiteru(I love you)." After he said that, he kissed me. I began to kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck. Dropping my still ringing phone.
I was too happy right now to care about anything else.
Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate it! Feel free to review. Again, thanks so much! I love you all! *bows*
Love Kurosakisan.

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