Chapter 2

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The Holding Center is a sort of underground cellar beneath the Main Building. All of the Sleeping Compartments and Dining Quarter, as well as a few offices, the entryway, and the Infant's Quarter, are housed in the Main Building. The structure of the whole building is not particularly impressive but all I can think of is how chilling everything is. My behind is numb from the cold because the floor beneath me is spine chilling cold. Apart from the chill, I can't see a thing. The only thing I can see is the dark outline of the door and window. The room is particularly small and if I had a light I would expect it to be drab and depressing. When I place my hand on the wall, I can feel the wallpaper peeling off and the carvings that others have vandalised on. Looking at my watch, I can tell that it is eight o'clock at night, when everyone is having dinner. Usually they let everyone out of the Holding Center by bedtime, "Come in," I hear a deep voice speak as the dark outline of the door opens.

I lean up against the wall. My eyes roll to gawk at the figure. It is a hooded figure. The guard looked at me, again. Then he leaves.

"So what did you get in for?" I ask. No answer. Maybe he's deaf.

"So what did you get in for?" He murmurs in a snarky voice, in a mocking tone. My heart sinks to the bottom as I clench my hands into a fist.

"Alec," I say as he slips off his hood, showing his brunette gel-styled hair.

"Believe me-" He says. Now I'm not really a violent person but I was just finishing the unfinished job. My fist moves in a fast motion aiming for the dark outline of his face. Unfortunately, he dodges. My leg curves into a hook, ready to kick the crap out of him. Instead his hands smitt across my face, thankfully I move my face away from his fist.

I take the bucket that is used for food and slam it across his chest. He kicks me right in my abdomen and I stagger backward, my head almost cracking and collapsing to the ground.

"Ah!" I yell as I feel the slimy goo from the food bucket climb into my jumpsuit. Upon realizing what happened, Alec starts laughing in his irritating voice.

Regaining my strength, I jump and punch him in the jaw, I hear his back hitting the wall.

I ready myself for Alec's next move but he doesn't do anything. More so he says something, "I'm not here to fight Adria, as you said before, in the forest, 'try breaking an actual rule for once', and that I did," Alec says.

"What did you do?" I sigh, expecting something stupid. Although I am curious.

"But first I want to call a truce," He says.

"Hell no," I ask as confusion swirled in my mind.

"Look I think this has something to do with you," Alec hesitantly peers at the door. Upon my silence, he takes it as a yes. With a hush whisper he says, "I broke into Angrove's office," Angrove is the woman who runs this whole place. No one really knows what she's like because she's mostly stuck up in her office all day.

"When we were all at dinner just now, I went to the bathroom, on the way there, like normal, I see an office, it's usually locked but today it was ajar-"

"There are no offices on the way to the bathroom though,"

"On the way to the boy's bathroom, stupid," He says. Again I respond to him with silence. "Thank you, may I now please continue, cause I don't need to tell you this. I'm only telling you this from the pureness of my heart-"


"Anyways, I was curious, so like any genius-"

"If you were a genius, you wouldn't be here," I interrupt again.

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