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His shoes chinked against the marble floor, fastening his tie, Alec walked out of the Department of Weapon and Mutant Management. He was appointed head of the facility not so long ago. His department dealt with Mutant exchanges and taming. To his right was the War Tactics Department door, when it swung open, Ares stepped out. His hair was disheveled, shirt crinkled and untucked, his tie loose. His childlike arrogance was still present when he gave his lectures to the Congress Committee when they discussed their weekly meetings. Kyle followed behind him, as part of the Committee, he documented everything said in the meetings.
“Where to now?” Kyle asked.
“Ophelia wanted to show us something,” Alec answered.
“Badge lady? What does she want? I haven't heard anything from her ever since the rebellion died down. I thought she was dead,” Ares said, a little too loudly with the looks given from the rest of the Congress.
Alec swung the main door open, the sunlight flooding through into the building. Above them was the plague, carved in gold were the words ‘THE LIBERATION FRONT OF DALMORE’ As the three boys walked to where Ophelia asked them to meet, the rest of society was already busy at work. As part of the ‘Changed’ Dynasty, was what everybody who survived the rebellion called themselves, this society was described as having thriving freedom and equality. The world was finally balanced, or balanced as it could possibly be.
The boys stopped at the first building in the forboarding alley. In reality, it was the only creepy alley for miles and one of the most popular hotspot for criminal activity. What were your expectations? In this other world dystopia, people use drugs and get drunk, too. Unlike the others, this structure was a bar, an old run-down bar. The group entered the bar after exchanging cautious glances. The area reeked of booze and cigars, lit dimly by candles on the four corners of the bar. At the tables, drunken men and women sat, some of them decided to hurl obscenities and insults at the lads. Ophelia was in the back of the room, wiping a chipped glass cup. Her face looked paler than usual, and she had heavy grey rings around her eyes.
Upon spotting her, Ares jumped over to her, “Yoo hoo, macho man is here!” Ophelia doesn't say anything, or notice his presence at all but continues to wipe the glass mug.
“Angrove, you wanted to show us something?” Alec asked as he advanced over to her. Still no response.
“Are you alright?” Kyle said, poking her in the arm gently. Ophelia snapped, pulling away from Kyle.
“You wanted to show us something?” Alec repeated.
“C’mon,” She gathered her belongings at the desk and retrieved her keys. People tossed pretzels at them and yelled booze orders at them as they walked away. "You stupid fools, you can survive without a bartender for a few hours!" She retaliated with a shout. She guided them out from the alley after leaving the bar. No one, not even Ares, uttered a word during their trek. They approached the church after passing by several monuments. Ophelia turned sharply left towards the cemetery.
As they walked through the multiple graves, one took all four’s notice. Ahead of them was a headstone. Flowers were laid neatly, the lower stack of flowers started to wilt a little but you could tell that it was popular. Kyle went up to the headstone and runned his finger gently against the letters reading: ‘Adria Merrick’
“Why are you showing us this? It’s been here for over a year,” Alec said.
“Do you think she’s dead?” Ophelia asked quietly.
“Everyone says she is but I don't think so,” Ares replied. The odd thing about Merrick’s case was that she wasn't found dead, she was reported missing for a year. No one was absolutely sure of Adria Merrick's odd absence. What happened to her, where she went. Because no one could find her, she was considered dead and became a martyr in everyone's eyes. Such so her that her grave was empty.
“Oh Ares, but she is,” Ophelia smirked.
“And how would you know?” Alec asked. For a brief instant, a glint of youth glimmered in her eyes.
Across through thickly dense vegetation which had thrived under the new care it had received, the dead girl laughed…And the pixels drifted away, disappearing into nothingness

A/N: Thankyou for everyone that read it to the end! It means a lot to me. If this gets enough reads I might begin a sequel.

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