20. The royal heir

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Mal and I walked around the party until Ben stood in front of us.
"Congratulations. But I need an answer..." he said desperately.
I looked at Mal.
"What you want, Mal."
She took a deep breath.
"For Auradon," she said softly.
Ben seemed surprised.
"R - really?"
"Yes. But keep this to yourself. Please?"
He nodded and ran off.
I looked at Mal.
"So our child will be the future ruler of Auradon."
"I think so..."
I chuckled.
"Actually pretty crazy..."
"From the two most feared villains who never wanted to admit they liked each other to two people who are now married."
"Never thought you were so softy."
"And thank you."
"Sorry, I didn't mean it offensively."
"Doesn't matter."

A few weeks later...

Mal and I had bought a house and suddenly she came running into the living room.
"Mal! All right?"
She had tears in her eyes and wrapped her arms around me.
"Mal?" I said worriedly.
She smiled.
"I'm pregnant."
"Wait what?"
"I'm pregnant!"
I looked at her in surprise.
"Oh goblins Mal!"
"Harry, I love you so much!"
"I love you too, Mal."
She kissed me and I hugged her.
"Unbelievable..." I muttered.
"You're going to be a great dad."
"And you will be a wonderful mother."

And then everything went very fast. (About 3 months later)
We had decorated the room and Mal had some echoes and stuff.
We also got a lot of fiddling with the press just like today.
Two journalists stew at us.
"What's it like to make sure there's a royal heir?"
"Do you have any names yet?"
"Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?"
Mal grabbed my hand and I looked at her.
"Take it easy..."
I looked at the journalists.
"The royal heir will be coming as long as we are not asked 'till death about how we think of it."

I pulled Mal along and we were at the lake a little later.
"Thanks Harry..." Mumbled Mal.
I looked at her.
"Are you okay?"
"Yes... No."
"What's up?"
"I'll be back in a minute..."
She ran to some bushes and... began to puke.
I looked over the lake. I didn't go after her, she gets furious whenever I tried to help her with holding her hair back or something...
I hadn't spoken to Cj and Harriette since the wedding...
Mal came running again.
"Stupid morning illness..."
"Is it going again?"
She sighed.
"Where are the others when you need them?"
"Good question..."
Mal grinned.
"Now we are on ⅓. Next week the ultrasound where they can see if it will be a boy or a girl."
"I'm quite curious."
"Me too..."
"We can also keep it classic as it always was on the island."
" Wait until birth and then see what it will be?"
" I'm fine with it."
"So we have to come up with names for boy and girl."
"We have six months left."
"For now."
"You'll be fine." S
he leaned her head on my shoulder and I put an arm around her.
"I love you Harry."
"I love you too Mal."

The next day there was an early knock on the door.
When I opened the door I was surprised.
She hugged me and I wrapped my arms around her.
"I haven't spoken to you in months!" I said in amazement.
Cj sighed.
"I didn't get that chance because of that royal heir shit."
I chuckled.
"That's right. But how are you now?"
"Good! Zevon and I have been together for two months."
"Oh yes. You and Zevon..."
"Ugghh... You and Harriette are exactly the same too."
"Oh My Goblins!"
"If Mal gives birth, me and Harriette will become aunts!"
I chuckled.
"Yes and your nephew or niece will become ruler of Auradon."
"Do you have any names yet?"
"No. We haven't gotten that far yet and -"
I was interrupted by the sound that Mal was vomiting.
"And Mal suffers from morning illness..."
"What do you hope?"
"What do you mean?"
"Are you hoping for a son or daughter?"
"Son. I just have the feeling I'd have a better connection with my kid if it'd be a boy."
"You have to wait another 5 and a half months, to find out."
"I can count too."
"Wow!?" she said sarcastically.

5 months later...

For Mal it became more and more difficult and I arranged as much as possible so that she could take it easy.
That night we were sitting on the couch watching TV.
"It won't be long now."
"That's right, do you already know names?"
"Not really... You?"
I chuckled.
"I do have a few ideas..."
"Then say it!"
"For boy bit basic like Jake or Micheal."
"That's so cute!"
"And when it's a girl, I was thinking about Kiara or Railey."
"Since when are you so good at thinking of something like that?"
"Do you like it?"
"Micheal of Railey."
"My favorites."
Mal put her head on my shoulder and I put an arm around her.
"How different it will be..."
I looked at Mal questioningly.
"What do  you mean?"
"Our child will be the leader of Auradon in the future... So-"
"Should there be a lot to be taught about our child and all that."
" Yes."
Mal sighed.
" But I can't wait..."
I smiled.
"No matter where life  takes us. Nothing can ever break us. Anything you're going through, I'll always be there for you."
"It's like time makes us stronger. I'll always be your shoulder. No matter what I do, I'll always be there for you."

And we sang that very randomly.
I chuckled.
"At most two more weeks."
"Yes, but it can also be happening tomorrow or something."
"We'll see."
"Yes. That's right."
She kissed me softly and I felt her smile.

The next day I walked around the house to find my phone. I didn't remember where I had left him and I must have him on hand just in case-
I turned around.
"Mal? All right?"
"I think so. My waters just broke. The baby is already coming!"
"Oh dammit..." I mumbled quickly searching for my phone.
"Ehh... Do we have to go to the hospital yet?" I asked not knowing what to do, still looking for my mobile.
"I don't know!" she sounded panicky.
I looked back and suddenly saw my phone on the floor, I picked it up and rushed to Mal.
"Let's go."
She nodded.

When I wanted to start the car I went crazy.
"Nice. The car won't start. Ugghh..."
Then I saw Carlos driving his car and I tried to tell him to stop.
And fortunately, he did.
"Carlos! Mal is about to give birth but our car does not start. Can you give us a ride to the hospital?"
"Yea, sure."

And a little later Carlos and I were in the waiting room and Mal was busy? I guess...
Carlos chuckled.
"So it went nice and smooth."
"At first I couldn't find my phone and then also the car that doesn't start. Fantastic..."
Carlos laughed.
"Really something for you again."
"Hey!" I said offended.

(And again a very very long time later)

One of the burses walked up to me.
"Harry Hook? You can come along."
And then I saw Mal with our child.
"We have a son Harry!"
I grinned and Mal beckoned that I could/should hold the baby as well.
Of course, I did that wrong and was corrected by the nurse.
I looked at Mal.
"So what do you think, in terms of name?"
I looked at little Micheal.
"He has your eyes. Beautiful and deep." I said softly.
A little later Carlos, Evie, Cj and Jay were allowed to enter. Carlos had probably called the others.
Cj walked over to me when Evie was holding Micheal.
"So what's it like to be a father?"
"Let's say I don't know what it feels like yet."
Cj chuckled.
"Sounds logical. You've only just been it for like what? Five minutes."

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