chapter 1 updated

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Frozen in time. Winter overtook the kingdoms. The change of seasons no longer exists. Dark gray clouds created a gloomy overcast above; clear blue skies are now a distant memory of the past; and all creatures that exist are barely surviving in the bitter cold. The woods that were filled with overgrowth of lush flowers, weeds, and even trees were now all barely hanging onto life in the bitter cold. Ice sickles are seen dangling off the tree branches above, and below, a blanket of snow covers the ground. I am surrounded by thick layers of fog, making it difficult for me to see. Finally, a tiny gap appears, allowing me to walk directly through it, in between the trees, and it spits me out into an open field.

After I regained my bearings, I stumbled across the field until I came upon a frozen lake, where I had collapsed onto the ground. My lips are so dry! I need water. Teasing me, I could see the freshwater moving through the heavy coating of ice. I attempted to break through the ice with a rock, making a tiny hole in the ice in the hopes of getting to it.

Within just a few minutes, I began to feel tired and weak, therefore I failed! I stumbled upon an old rusted cup protruding out of the snow. I made use of it for scooping up snow and tried to brush off all the dirt particles. In hopes that it would melt! I patiently waited a few minutes, but nothing happened. I couldn't wait for it to thaw out anymore. I was quite thirsty! Greedy, I had taken a big gulp! I instantly regretted my decision and suffered a terrible brain freeze as a consequence.

Overlooking the lake, I see a little cabin across the lake. I could hear sounds emanating from deep within the forest; it sounds like a choir of people pleading for help! A sense of anxiety floods over me; I do not feel safe here. I was aware that the ice might break at any time, but I nonetheless stepped out across it without thinking. I got off my foot off the sheet of ice immediately after I felt it break. The noise got closer! I had no desire to find out exactly who or what was there; all I wanted to do was to get away as quickly as possible!! Even though I was able to feel the icy surface cracking underneath with every step, I chose to walk across it nevertheless, taking the chance. I nearly lost my balance several times during the process, but once I crossed the lake safely, I attempted to yell for help!! I am tired and have collapsed onto the ground. I called out for help, hoping that my dry trembling voice would be carried off by the wind and that someone would ultimately hear me.

I slowly opened my eyes. I wonder how long I've been out here. Did no one hear me? I saw a slight gap in the front door. Is anyone here?! I yelled. I waited for an answer.  before carefully pushing open the door! I yelled again Anybody home! Still no answer. That is odd! It's completely empty.

I began to look around the rooms. Items are left intact in their original locations. Cobwebs and dust accumulate on the artwork, vases, and furniture. It appears that no one has lived here for a long time. Beautiful flowers were arranged in a vase near the window. They were covered in frost, as were the windows' borders. The temperature decreases outside, and it gets much colder inside the room; I can now see my own breath in the air.

A few logs have been left behind, waiting to be lighted inside the fireplace. A box of matches is left on top of the fireplace. It doesn't take me long to settle in. For the time being, I think I'll call this location home.

Looking outside towards the woods, I could see something lurking and watching me. I knew I was safe for now, but I also knew I couldn't hide here forever. It was peaceful listening to the gentle snowfall hitting the ground. My sense of hearing seems to drown out all other sounds and key into the snow that is falling. It is peaceful and relaxing to me. I could now hear my stomach growling. I need to find food! In the kitchen, there isn't much food left. It was all either frozen or spoiled. I managed to find a few items that haven't gone bad yet to eat. After eating a can of green beans, I am still hungry, but it was better than nothing. I started to settle in for the night, cozying up in a chair by the fireplace.

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