chapter 5

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I shut the door behind me and carefully climbed into bed. Staring up at the ceiling, I reflected on my chat with Paul. I was starting to grasp Paul and Silver's relationship. The two had many challenges together. I felt the bed move as Silver rolled over to face me. "Why are you still up?" she questioned.

"I couldn’t sleep. I’m hope I didn’t wake you up"

Silver rolls over on her back and looks up at the ceiling and says, " Paul is right, you know! I wasn't supposed to be there."

I turned to face her and asked, what do you mean?”

She paused as if she was trying to be careful with her words: "Let's just say the wrong place at the wrong time."

What happened? I asked.

"I'd rather not talk about it” she says.

Silver yawns and turns her back on me. And with those words, I turned around and faced the window. I could see the stars twinkling in the night sky. It was quite peaceful. A lovely breeze comes through the window. I get up and walk out onto the balcony. I wanted to listen to the wind blow the trees, but instead I heard beautiful guitar music playing below its Kingston playing music. He looks up at me, smiles and goes back to playing. I head back inside and try to get some sleep.

I am awakened by the sun beaming into the room. I yawn and stretch out my legs. I noticed Silver was already up. Where did she disappear to? There is knock on the door. I walk over to answer it. It’s Kingston holding a stack of clothes.

“Good morning. I was told to bring you and Silver some clothes. I hope they fit”

I take them and tell him “Thank you” and close the door. I was looking forward to putting on clean clothes. I decided to take a shower leaving clothes on the bed for Silver too. after a quick shower and change. I headed down to the dinner hall for breakfast. This time we ate in a dining room that had a view of the garden. Silver is already there, and chatting it up with Bay, the two seemed to be enjoying one another's company. Wimble, Kingston, and the some guy who I didn’t know was also there, and Paul was alone out on the balcony.

"Take a seat," said Wimble. She seemed a lot happier and stronger today.

"Thanks! You look a lot better."

"The best thing about being a shifter is that you can heal quicker! Sadly, I had to drain the poison first so I could heal. Again, I'm thankful you guys found me when you did." She says to stuff her mouth with eggs.

I looked over at her and asked, How did you end up poisoned?

"I don't remember who attacked."

“Hmm that quite strange. I wonder who would do such a thing”

A variety of food was placed on the table. Including fresh bread and fruits. I grab myself some eggs and fruit. I noticed Kingston's friend staring at me. Did he know me or something?

"Sorry! I don't mean to stare," He says.

"This is the girl. I told you about Airum, the one who doesn't know her name," said Kingston.

Airum smiles and says, "Nice to meet you. You look very familiar to me."

"Do I? I'm not sure I know you, sorry." I smiled at him and started to place some more fruit on my plate.

Kingston and Airum started talking more.

"Wimble! Maybe you could help the girl get her memories back or help her remember her name at least," said Bay.

"Yeah, we can give it a try. Come by my lab later. I’m always up for a mystery."

I smiled at her, but before I started eating again, I decided to check on Paul. The balcony had an amazing view of the beautiful garden. You could even see the mountains in the distance.

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