Chapter 3

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Another cold morning, as usual. The sun rises just over the mountain, the highest peaks, partially obscured by clouds. Today is a bit unusual because the snow is beginning to fall harder. It was starting to look more like a blizzard outside. The indoor temperature begins to drop. Silver begins walking back and forth with a blanket wrapped over her, attempting to stay warm. While Paul is battling to keep the fire from dying out, if the wind continues to blow into the home, it will not last long.

"We must go before we become trapped here."

I think Paul has recently accepted the idea that it is more beneficial to leave. I wish that there was some way I could help keep the fire going. There are no other options! Would we rather stay here and remain trapped inside the cabin, or freeze to death? There are no other choices. We might be able to make it out there. As soon as I said those words. The flames grew bigger. The whole room feels much better. The two were starting to warm up!

"You're right. It's time to leave. It's time for a trip to Emma." Paul groans and takes out his map, which is found inside his book.

"If we can make it there. after that, we might be able to make it to Echo City. It won't be easy; not only will we be exposed to the cold, but also the darkness, but it will be our best shot." Said Silver.

Paul and Silver are still talking about how to get to Emma safely. I began to wonder, "Why does Emma sound so familiar to me?" as soon as I heard the name. I feel like this place could hold importance for me. I just didn't know how.

The snowstorm has finally stopped. I decided to step outside and get some fresh air. There is a tiny, covered porch in the front. A fresh layer of snow covers the previous one on the ground. This weather is starting to make me believe that we live inside a snow globe and someone is constantly shaking it.

off in the distance. I could see the high peaks hidden behind a veil of fog. The stunning sky is recognized for its unusual colors: reds, oranges, and yellows decorate the sky above. The sun never fully sets because it intersects with the moon and stars, forming two distinct skylines. Half-day, half-night. Even through the fog, I could see its beauty. Emma, a city, is situated directly below. I became immersed in my thoughts.

Paul and Silver are still talking about how to get to Emma safely. I began to wonder, "Why does Emma sound so familiar to me?" as soon as I heard the name. I feel like this place could hold importance for me. I just didn't know how.

The snowstorm has finally stopped. I decided to step outside and get some fresh air. There is a tiny, covered porch in the front. A fresh layer of snow covers the previous one on the ground. This weather is starting to make me believe that we live inside a snow globe and someone is constantly shaking it.

off in the distance. I could see the high peaks hidden behind a veil of fog. The stunning sky is recognized for its unusual colors: reds, oranges, and yellows decorate the sky above. The sun never fully sets because it intersects with the moon and stars, forming two distinct skylines. Half-day, half-night. Even through the fog, I could see its beauty. Emma, a city, is situated directly below. I became immersed in my thoughts.

I felt lost in this new world. The idea of not knowing what my purpose could be here. Who am I in this new world? I craved home, but where was it? Did it exist? Where's my family? Are they even out there waiting for me? Looking for me? The idea of it all scared me.

I felt a tear start to fall down my cheek. I quickly whipped them away. When I heard the front door open, I knew it was Paul. I did not want him to see me crying.

Are you OK? He asked. He steps outside and stands right next to me. We both look around and admire the view for a bit. There is quiet between us.

"Yes, I'm fine; I'm merely enjoying the scenery. And I was just thinking about how I don't remember anything! And how confused my mind is! It feels like the pieces are all part of one gigantic jigsaw puzzle ready to be assembled."

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