11 | the ball

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"Who's that?"

"A damaged, broken boy..."

11 | the ball

"Malia!" James shouted after his sister again, trying to gain her attention for the second time that day.

His twin did not turn around but kept walking, "Go away, James!" she said loudly as Barty glared at James.

James ran up to his twin and stood in front of her, moving to block her each time she tried to move around him. "Please, Malia, talk to me."

Malia looked up at him with a sour expression, "Oh? Now you want me to talk to you? Never mattered much before, did it? Just go back to your wolf pack!"

The brother flinched slightly at her mention of his 'wolf pack', she surely didn't know of Remus' condition, did she? He shook it off and blinked a few times, "Please, just come home for Christmas, we'll sort it all out... I promise."

But Malia knew of all the false promises James made to her before, "No." That was all she said before walking away with Barty at her side, James did not follow.

It was quiet as they walked for some moments, then Barty spoke.

"Mother and Father are taking us to The Pure-blood Ball this Christmas, have you been before?" He asked politely.

Malia nodded, "Only once, yes—but James and I were very young. Who else goes?"

Barty took a deep breath, "Well, anyone really—if you're of I. They've been getting a bit slack on the rules as of late—some Half-bloods are getting in. They're not forbidden—Half-bloods, that is—they're just not generally welcomed by the purists. If you're a Half-blood of a noble or ancient family, then you're allowed in— it's all extremely complicated though. My father is on the committee."

"So... The Blacks and Lestranges would go?"

"Depends on if they want to." Barty shrugged then added, "They're parents make them go each year and they're expected to attend—The Blacks haven't missed a ball since each of them were seven, but I suppose Sirius won't be going now."

Malia swallowed this information, "And you? How many have you been to?"

Barty smiled briefly, "Six since I was eight. Last year's was eventful."

"How so?"

A wide grin spread over the Crouch's face as he retold the story, "Mr Rosier and Mr Nott got into an argument over who should be allowed at the ball, it didn't end nicely. The Rosiers have many Half-blood relatives and Mr Nott thought they shouldn't be allowed to attend because of that. They're both very respected French bloodlines and the whole night was a fiasco. In the end, Rosier and Nott got into a duel and all the kids started cheering them on, being scolded by their mothers."

"Well..." Malia smiled, "I hope to witness something like that then."

"Oh, don't worry, with Sirius being disowned, it's all the other families can talk about now, there's bound to be some fight."

LOVE this, sorry for the late update, I was on vacation :D

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LOVE this, sorry for the late update, I was on vacation :D

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