26 | alone

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"My sister and wife in the same year."

26 | alone

"Well...?" asked Narcissa when the two pulled apart. "Did it work?"

Barty scoffed, "Cissa, you can't just ask them if it worked—it doesn't work like —"

"I can feel your soul," whispered Malia breathlessly, almost as if she couldn't believe it. Staring transfixed at Regulus' hand, she repeated the phrase, "I can feel you."

"And I you," replied Regulus in the same tone of voice, his eyes flicking up to meet hers at the same time.

Barty whistled and Narcissa clapped her hands, "It worked!" they cheered.

And while the two (literal) 'soulmates' continued to gaze at each other, Cissa quickly pulled Malia away, "Now let's do Custodire Ancora—Lia, you and me!"

Mind still distracted by by the feeling of Regulus, Lia let her best friend drag her to a new spot where they would perform their ritual of sorts. In the slightly older girl's hand was the same knife Reg and Lia had previously used—wiped of the blood. They both cut their hands open, and having both memorised the correct words, they begun. Barty and Regulus watched with almost hypnotised expressions as the two girls glowed with magic and love for one another.

This 'ritual' went differently than the previous one, it could only be enacted one way. After much arguing and deciding, Malia had won over Narcissa and earned the right to use the protection on her. They'd planned already for Barty to do it on Regulus as it was for him who they were doing this all for.

When they finished, it was clear to see they were happier, they were with a stronger connection.

"Alright," said Barty, "Reg, it's our turn now." Turning to his best mate, he took the knife Cissa passed to him. "I'll be enacting the magic for your protection, since you are the most in a compromised situation out of us."

Regulus frowned, pulling the knife from Barty's grip before he could use it on his hand, "No, hold on, what if I don't want you to do it for me?"

"Well, too bad, because we've already decided," Barty took back the knife back, but Regulus quickly stole it again.

"You don't get to decide without me!"

"Your life is on the line!" Barty argued loudly, "We're giving our best to protecting you!"

"I didn't ask you to do that!"

"You didn't have to!"

Malia stepped into the argument, "Reg!" His eyes flicked to her, "Let us do this!"

The boy shook his head, "No! I won't let you hurt yourselves for me!" Barty made a grab for his wand, clearly going to attempt to spell Regulus, but the other boy beat him to it, whipping out his own wand and pointing it at his best mate.

"Expelliarmus!" He said as he flicked his wand at Barty's, and it flew out of his hand. Then he pointed it at the two girls, "Duratus!" A spell similar to Petrificus Totalus save for the whole 'fall over flat on your arse' part. Malia and Narcissa froze in their positions of reaching for their own wands with shocked expressions, though they were now frozen they could still comprehend and see what was happening.

"Silencio!" He pointed his wand at Regulus' mouth and suddenly the boy could no longer make sound from his mouth. Hesitating, Regulus tossed the knife at Barty—who, being extremely reactive—caught it with ease, "You know what to do."

And with the wand still pointed at him, Barty's eyes showed only betrayal before he sliced open his hand. Regulus took the knife and did the same to his own hand, stowing his wand and tossing the knife to the ground.

Regulus shook his bleeding hand with Barty's, both wincing at the action. The first boy started reciting the words: "To the almighty being above, to the hounds of hell below. I give this person my love, and I give them a piece of my soul. Let it protect you in the heart of strife, let it save you, let it give you life."

The magic could only be enacted if you meant the words you were saying, and even though how he was doing it wasn't very... meaningful, he sure meant the protection he was performing.

"Take from me to keep them safe, give them strength, keep them brave. When I'm not on earth and take my place above, let my soul protect your worth, let it protect your love."

He stared into Regulus' eyes of hurt as he said the next line, "Bartemius Charlus Crouch, as my anchor, I use my magic to set upon you Custodire Ancora."

With wandless magic, Regulus removed the spell he'd placed on Barty as they needed to repeat the next part together. Barty had to do it, if the magic was left hanging on a thread, there could be severe consequences on both sides.

"Tuere, defendere, salva, emenda, usque ad finem."

When they finished, Barty retracted his hand sharply, the cut already healing, and turned to jog off. Regulus removed the magic holding Malia and Narcissa frozen. The two girls immediately shot him disgraceful looks and began to run off after Barty, leaving Regulus alone in the night.

He would forever be... alone.

oh, no

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oh, no... so sad— ANYWAY—! Today's chapter (and the first ever on my page) is dedicated to @St1tchx. THANK YOU DARLING!!! Thank you fo rall the support you've been giving on this story, I sincerely love you :)

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