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The vigorous clacking could be heard in a room with a person sitting on his chair as he typed the mistakes down correctly while two men stood their with their head hung low. The person typing looked dead serious and grim and didn't even glance at the men standing. His golden eyes behind his spectacles were sparkling by the screen light of the desktop monitor yet the tiredness was very much evident. He had a frown adorning his pale forehead as few strands of silky black hair tried to hide them.

"Wang laoshi, its late. You have been held back here for our mistakes. We will look for the errors in the figure."

"Yes laoshi. Your phone has been ringing for quite a while. You should leave. We will stay here and check."

"ZhouHe, SunLi! You are interns. Mistakes are meant to happen. You are human. You can leave. Its not a big deal anyways. Don't worry too much. You are in a learning process so don't panick. There will be times again you will do mistakes but its our duty to make sure what we submit should be errorless. It was my mistake that I didn't review. Don't feel sorry for it."

"Laoshi, thankyou for being so kind. If there is any kind of help we can be of, please be free to contact laoshi." The man nodded with a slight smile before shooing away the boys. The boys got out of the cabin which mentions 'Production Manager'.

"No wonder people here are so happy to work. Wang laoshi understands and maintains such a healthy environment for employees. He took our blame too." SunLi exclaimed.

"Yes, I just hope the assistant position gets filled fast so that he can be relieved a little." The one one said while SunLi nodded as they both made their way out of the building, thanking there stars to have such a nice boss and working environment.

After an hour, Wang Jun leaned back on his swivel chair as he yawned. He took off his specs as he messaged his canthus area. He purposely avoided checking his phone because he knew his brat might have cursed him to death. He was so worn out that he wished for nothing but a cozy bed with a thick blanket, a mild temperature and a good sleep. He stretched his muscles as he saved the file he has been working on and sent that to the budget department.

Jun collected his phone, his coat and his laptop bag and he made his way to the lift. While waiting for the lift door to open he went through the messages sent by his nephew. He sighed.

Will you come or not?

The food is cold and I am not reheating it.

Why aren't you replying? Do you think I don't know how you purposely ignore me?

Jun, why aren't you picking my calls?

It would have been better if I stayed with Yun shushu. You are irritating.

I have locked the door. Stay outside only.

Jun sighed for the umpteenth time. Wang Yu is getting more bartty day by day and he couldn't help it. Its not that he didn't try. He did, yet being so much torn in his work and parenting, he couldn't give right amount of time to Yu. Yu has been growing more and more demanding and Jun can do nothing but try to fulfill his each duty as a responsible guardian. Also his second elder brother was poisoning Yu's mind against him and that child has gone into rebellious mode. He walked back to his cabin and took out his spare apartment keys and went inside the lift to find it open.

Getting outside the building, he was greeted by the budget department head who had shouted at him for wrong figures of production.

"Hey Jun! I knew you would be late!" Mu Feng exclaimed.

"Obviously, I needed to complete otherwise work might just pile up. Yoy didn't need to stay up."

"I needed to. Well sorry! I shouted too much unnecessarily."

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