♡ 19 ♡

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After Yoongi had carried the bunny inside the house and bathed him in a soapy bubble bath, he layed the rabbit down on the king sized bed. Jungkook immediately started scenting himself on the alpha's blankets and sheets, his oversized shirt rising up on his torso. Yoongi walked back into the room after finishing cleaning the bathroom up, noticing the omega scenting himself.
"Petal, all you had to do was ask and I would've sat down for you." The alpha spoke as he sat down against his headboard. Jungkook quickly sat up and placed himself in the alpha's lap, shoving his face in Yoongi's neck and nuzzling his nose against the soft skin. Yoongi laughed quietly from the ticklish feeling, not moving as to keep the bunny in place. Jungkook stopped moving temporarily and just sat in the warmth and scent of his owner, enjoying the calm atmosphere. He was slowly getting used to being a main part of the mafia business and, as it may seem, it was stressful to be thrown right into his first mission without as much training as the others. He has never dealt with stress very well and always seemed to bottle up his emotions, something eventually ticking him off enough that he explodes and the unsuspecting victim gets the brunt of the innocent looking rabbit's anger and stress. This was starting to feel like a good stress reliever, sitting on his owner's lap and taking in the calming scent of the older male, when someone started banging on Yoongi's bedroom door. Jungkook whined and hid in Yoongi's neck, grabbing onto him like his life depended on it. Yoongi groaned at the noise, knowing the only person who has enough balls to bang on his door. "Kim Seokjin, if you do not leave this hallway in the next thirty seconds, I'm chopping Joon's dick off." Yoongi threatened as he put his arms protectively around the younger male in his presence, hoping to lessen the whimpering and whining torturing his ears.
"Oh please." The door swung open revealing the broad shouldered beauty himself.
"You know you would never get close, Mr. Empty Threats." Jin strolled into the room, looking around at the dark red and black interior.
"Do you even listen to me when I tell you to add some color to this damn vampire-esc room?" He complained.
"Can't you see I'm busy, dickwad?" Yoongi spoke with a venom in his voice, slightly scaring the rabbit. Jin pouted at the sight of the shaking bunny on Yoongi's lap.
"If you told me you had Kook in here, I would've left."
"Then get ou-"
"But, now that I'm here." Yoongi was interrupted. "I might as well try to help him out, he seems really nervous." Jin spoke as he sat down on the red velvety bed. Yoongi growled as Jin got closer, proving as a warning signal for the other. Jin stood back up with wide eyes, clearly not expecting that level of protectiveness to be taken over the hybrid.
"Damn, calm the fuck down, dude. I'll leave." Jin pranced out of the room to go find his cat who was currently running around the mafia house in his animal form, closing the big black door behind him.
"Its okay, bunny. Calm down. The big mean man is gone now." Yoongi whispered as he pet the rabbit's long brown ears, trying to soothe him in any way he possibly could. The whimpering came to a slow stop but the shaking hadn't. He was still violently shaking in the older's lap as the male pet his ears and whispered sweet things to him. He tried to calm himself by latching onto Yoongi's neck, remembering how the pacifier had helped before when he was with Jimin, maybe this would work to. He started to suck on the older male's neck, leaving small bruises and marks in his path. Yoongi had frozen at the action, holding back the urge to flip the hybrid over and pin him to the bed. He refused to let himself stop the bunny since his shaking had stopped but he was slowly growing harder with the hybrid still sitting on his lap, knowing this situation would turn bad very quickly. Jungkook was slowly drifting off, falling asleep as he sucked on his owner's milky white skin. Yoongi reached across his bed and picked up his phone, being extra careful as to not move the hybrid to much. He called one of his friends to help him out, really hoping for an answer.
"What's up, boss?" Namjoon answered his phone as usual, expecting something way different than the response he got.
"Joon, I'm in my room. Bring me a pacifier. Quickly, thanks." And the phone was hung up.
"What in the actual fuck?" Namjoon thought as he stood up from his office chair to find a pacifier.
Namjoon managed to track down one of Jimin's pastel colored pacifiers, finding a mint one out of all of the colors Jimin owned. He made his way to the mafia boss's bedroom and knocked lightly on the door. He heard a whispered
"Hurry the fuck up, Joon," from inside the room and he opened the door slowly. He now understood the situation. He spotted the sleeping bunny and the out of breath Yoongi on the big red and black bed and just tossed the pacifier to his boss, quickly leaving the room and closing the door after. He pulled out his phone and texted
"You're welcome," before returning to his office, trying to rid that memory from his brain.
"Seok, I need you in my office in 2." He said as he walked past the other male's office and into his own.

Yoongi had managed to get the hybrid laying in his bed with him without waking him up, popping the pacifier in his mouth as a replacement for his neck. A sigh of relief sounded through the room as the older male got up and walked into his bathroom. He looked in the mirror and stared at all of the purple and red marks littered across his neck. He ran his fingers over them gently and smiled unconsciously, enjoying the small marks his hybrid had created on his body. He left the bathroom and got back into his bed with the rabbit, pulling Jungkook gently into his chest, wrapping his arms around him protectively and tangling his legs with the others, falling asleep in the warm bed after texting Taehyung to come and turn his lights off, knowing his brightly colored room was across the hall. 

Alpha's Boy // Yoonkook Hybrid ffWhere stories live. Discover now