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Everyone had introduced themselves to Jungkook and were hanging out in the living room together. Yoongi and Jin were the only people not in the living room. They were talking in the kitchen about the fight they had earlier.
"I'm sorry for shooting you in the shoulder, hyung." Yoongi apologized.
"Its fine, Yoongs. I shouldn't have started a gun fight with the best gunman in the mafia." Jin recognized his mistake and gave Yoongi a quick hug. He gave a small smile before walking into the living room. Yoongi smiled slightly as his older brother left the room. He grabbed his knife off the table and made sure it was securely in his sleeve pocket before following Jin to the living room. He did not like what he saw when he walked in. Jungkook was sleeping on Taehyung's lap while the tiger ran his fingers through his brown fluffy hair. Yoongi got very jealous and heated when he saw this.
"Taehyung, I swear to god. If you do not remove yourself from my bunny, I will slit your throat." Yoongi's knife slipped out of its secure hold in his sleeve to his hand. Tae saw this and immediately took Kookie's head off his lap and ran to jump on top of Hoseok.
"Alpha, don't let him hurt me!" Taehyung yelled as he hid in Hobi's chest. Hobi stood up after laying Tae on the couch and growled, standing protectively in front of his omega. Yoongi waved him off and went to make sure his baby bunny was okay. Jungkook was crying in his sleep. He was having a nightmare about his previous owners and the amount of abuse he was put through. He kept mumbling "please stop hitting me," "I'm not retarded," and "don't touch me there." Yoongi started to try to wake him up, failing as it only made him cry more. He picked the sleeping bunny up and sat on the couch, placing Kook on his lap, making him straddle the older as he slept. The other members of the mafia group just watched to see how their cold hearted leader would handle the situation. Yoongi put the bunny's head in the crook of his neck and ran his fingers through is hair, attempting to calm him down. He slowly calmed down and the crying stopped, turning into small sniffles every few seconds.
"Bunny, are you okay?" Yoongi whispered into Jung's ear. He felt the boy nod into his neck which reassured the alpha that the bunny would be okay. He pulled his head up and whipped his tears away with his sweater paws. Yoongi smiled at him and kissed his cheek making the bunny giggle quietly. The other members were staring in awe at what just happened.
"He's so fucking whipped." Jin whispered to his beta. Namjoon just nodded and repeated what Jin had said to the cat hybrid. The other two were staring in astonishment at how calm and caring Yoongi was towards the hybrid when he had just threatened to murder Taehyung. Yoongi noticed the staring and growled at the other people in the room making Kookie giggle again and cuddle back into Yoongi's neck.
"I'm gonna take him to his room. Wipe those stupid looks off your faces before I get back." He stood up with a very protective hold on Jungkook and walked up the stairs to the omega's bedroom.

Alpha's Boy // Yoonkook Hybrid ffWhere stories live. Discover now