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Jungkook woke before his alpha, only then realizing the position he was trapped in. He was trapped in his alpha's arms, suffocatingly tight to the older's chest. He tried to escape, pushing lightly on Yoongi's chest. This did not work out in his favor as the alpha just growled in his sleep and squished the rabbit tighter. Jungkook was starting to panic as he felt claustrophobic and needed to get out of this situation. He started whining, not knowing how to escape as the panic started to set in. He unintentionally morphed into his rabbit form, becoming small enough to get away without the alpha really noticing. He hopped to the edge of the bed and shifted once more, becoming his hybrid self instead of his animal self. He left his alpha to sleep and walked towards the kitchen, hoping to find anybody to get him some food. He walked down the staircase into the living room and immediately ran into Jimin. The two hybrids collided and fell on their bums at the bottom of the stairs. Small whines escaped the cat's throat as Jungkook started at him with startled looking eyes. The rabbits nose started to twitch. He could smell Jimin's sadness and slight pain.
"I-I-I- Min- S-sorry." Jungkook stuttered forming sounds that were almost words. It was at that moment that the first cry left Jimin's mouth along with the tears from his eyes. As if the alpha had super hearing, Hoseok sprinted into the room. He immediately ran to comfort the crying hybrid, almost ignoring Jungkook's presence.
"Its okay, kitten. What happened?" Hobi had set the hybrid in his lap, rocking him as he spoke. The omega ignored his words and just continued to cry into the elder's chest. Jungkook's eyes were still wide as Yoongi came sprinting down the stairs, attempting to pull a shirt over his head as he ran.
"What happened! Is Jimin okay!?" Yoongi had also ignored Kook and went straight to the cat. Jealousy started to build up in the bunny's chest as his alpha went to comfort the crying omega. He managed to stand himself up and walk himself through the doorway next to them, directly entering the kitchen. Nobody was there, not even Jin who normally resided by the stove just incase someone happened to be hungry. The pout forming on the rabbits face was a mix of jealousy, hunger, and mainly disapointment. He went to the fridge and raided the vegetable stash, grabbing a few lettuce leaves and a couple carrots to snack on while he waited for someone to pay him even the littlest bit of attention. He sat down on the floor infront of the fridge as he sniffed the air and ate his carrots. He could smell the other alpha and the omegas in the other room also comforting the distraught cat.
"Baby." Jungkook thought. They fell on a carpeted floor, it couldn't have hurt him the much.
As Jungkook ate his lettuce leaves, his alpha entered the room.
"Jungkook, are you okay?" Yoongi's tone wasn't quite angry but wasn't the happiest either.
"O-Ok-ay." Kook answered, his stutter appearing heavy at the moment.
"What happened?" The alpha's tone became a bit more gentle as he spoke.
"Kookie d-down-stair. Min-M- Min- smack. Fell." Jungkook spoke, clapping his hands together on "smack." He couldn't form sentences properly with his stutter acting up, not even being able to say Jimin's name.
"Okay Kookie. I understand. Can you go upstairs to my bedroom please, bunny? Sit on the bed and wait for me." Yoongi asked politley, helping Jungkook off the floor. The rabbit didn't even nod before he walked himself up the stairs and into his alpha's bedroom.

Alpha's Boy // Yoonkook Hybrid ffWhere stories live. Discover now