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Welcome to another story. I'm back at my bullshit again. I actually have thrown this story together in less than two weeks, not sure if that is a good thing or not. But here it is and you can take it or leave it.

A few words before we start: This is a medieval AU, and despite me having done research on the topic I do not claim historic accuracy with this. If you are a Historian and find some detail that doesn't make sense, then you can tell me about it, but I most likely won't be changing it. (That being said, it might be wrong to call this a medieval AU, since it's more of an early renaissance AU.)

What we deal with in this is basically the topic of witch trials and persecution of witches (or women who were accused as practicing witchcraft). Due to the historical background, there will be a lot of religious references and references to Catholicism. I do not adhere to that religion and I personally prefer not to discuss it, but since that would have been the mainstream practiced religion of medieval Europe that's the one I chose for this. You can disagree with Catholicism, please be respectful if you do so.

Another thing: The world views of people around our main characters (and to some extent our characters' world views) are going to be influenced by their historical, societal and religious background. Take that into consideration when reading.

And last but not least, below you can find a list of content and trigger warnings, please read it carefully and make healthy personal reading choices accordingly. You have been warned and I will not take any personal responsibility beyond that. If there is anything you think that should be added to the list, please let me know. If something you read upsets or disturbs you, please talk to a person you can trust, step away from the book for a while (or completely, no judgment here) and make sure to take care of yourself.

Eldri out.

Content warnings:

1: religious themes, nuns, traditional Latin mass, Catholicism, adoption

2: arranged marriage, period-appropriate misogyny, talk of getting married young (period-appropriate), slight bullying, religious themes

3: arranged marriage, mentions of harassment, unwanted attention

4: religious themes, Catholicism

5: mentions of abortion, loneliness, mentions of herbal medicine, mentions of menstruation, pregnancy-related topics, very slight hinting at sexual abuse/assault, mentions of erectile dysfunction

6: pregnancy and birth, miscarriage, death, blood and bodily fluids, religious themes, medicine, stillbirth, pain

7: grief, hallucinations, religious themes, death, death of a child, stillbirth, accusations

8: mentions of stillbirth, gossip, anxiety, mentions of abortions

9: worrying, anxiety, gossip, sexual assault, death threats, threats of violence, threatening behavior, slurs

10: anxiety, panic, suicidal ideation, guilt, self-doubt, religious themes, gossip, bullying, negative self-image

11: depression, low self-esteem, feelings of worthlessness

12: religious themes, anxiety, fainting

13: mentions of torture, mentions of death, false accusations, mentions of  humiliation

14: mentions of torture, mentions of death, public humiliation, being held down, groping, dissociation, false accusations, injustice, needles, physical pain, being slapped

15: imprisonment, loss of feeling for time, bad prison conditions, angst

16: torture, being restrained, explanation of torture devices (thumbscrew & rack), sexism/misogyny, religious themes, pain, interrogation (torture will not be explicit, just hinted at)

17: pain, fear, hurt/comfort, imprisonment

18: fire, pain, injuries, imprisonment

19: having too little too eat, cold, homelessness, fear, sickness

20: paranoia, anxiety, worry, trauma, pregnancy-related themes

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