Chapter One

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"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! Get your arse out here so we can start eating! No one cares how much acne you have!" Ron yelled from the kitchen, as his twin sister stood facing the bathroom mirror, trying desperately to use her mother's wand to hex off her acne.

The sound of identical mischievous chuckles floated into the bathroom, as Fred said, "Yeah, (N/N), Harry most certainly doesn't!" (Y/N)'s face flushed red at that, as she unlocked the bathroom door to glare at her brother. "No matter what you've been trying to make me believe, I do not care what some stupid boy thinks about me!" With that, (Y/N) shut the door again, performing a spell again, feeling very happy when some of her pimples disappeared.

The sound of two boys laughing could be heard throughout the tiny hotel room the four siblings shared. "That's what you say now, lil sis..."

                                • • • • • • •

(Y/N) was near her breaking point. A few weeks ago, her father had won a Daily Prophet Galleon draw, and he'd acquired 700 Galleons. Mrs Weasley had at first decided that the family would save the money for potential rainy days and to buy new school books for their children, but Mr Weasley had convinced his wife to let him take the entire family to Egypt for a month, to pay a visit to Bill, who worked there.

So far, the trip had been going just fine. (Y/N) got to see her favourite older brother after far too long a time, and Bill was bringing his family around the ancient tombs in the pyramids, careful to scout them out first in case it was too scary for Ron, (Y/N) and Ginny. Mrs Weasley had endured two separate Dungbomb attacks from Fred and George in the day alone, and looked just as bad as she smelt; her short red hair was all messy from the heat and the Dungbombs, not to mention the trail of green gas that floated up from her scalp.

Mr Weasley had tried his best to magic the green gas and smell away, but Fred and George's Dungbombs were special kinds found in Egypt, and their effects couldn't be magicked away. "Oh, here's the last pyramid for the day!" Bill said cheerfully, poking his head in and withdrawing it quickly. "Yikes... better not let Gin in this one, Mum. You should stay with her, and Dad and I can take everyone else in."

Following her son's instructions, Mrs Weasley stayed outside with Ginny. Mr Weasley went into the pyramid first, walking in front of everyone else with his wand drawn out as an extra safety precaution. There were many skeletons which (Y/N) noticed had extra heads, limbs and other strange things. "Muggles who tried to break in," Bill said gravely. "We reckon the Egyptian Ministry of Magic put curses on anyone who tried to steal the riches within the pyramids."

Mr Weasley seemed just as fascinated by Muggle skeletons as he was with the living, breathing versions he'd met. He tried to get closer to the skeletons, but Bill wouldn't let him touch them. "Dunno what would happen if you did," he warned, and so Mr Weasley reluctantly pulled his hand away.

As they were about to leave the pyramid, Fred and George wrapped their arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders, which could only mean one thing: they wanted her help with a prank. "What do you want from me this time?" The redhead hissed, for their father was only a few feet in front of them. "You know us too well, sis. Well, we need you to sweet-talk Percy for a moment. We're going to nick his stupid Head-Boy badge and throw it back in the pyramid, so he goes in. Then, we'll try and trap him in here with all the poor souls who never left."

(Y/N) grinned. During this holiday alone, she'd already sweet-talked so many people; Bill, so that he'd buy the special Dungbombs Fred and George required for their pranks; Ron, so that he'd help in tricking Percy into thinking that he wasn't actually the new Head-Boy of Hogwarts; and lastly her father, to lend the twins and herself his wand, so that they could roam the halls of their hotel freely.

"'Course I'll help with that!" (Y/N) said excitedly. Without waiting for any other instructions, (Y/N) walked up to Percy and swung her arm around his torso. She would've put it around his shoulder, but Percy was much taller than her. Even with the beginnings of puberty hitting (Y/N) like a truck — and not in a good way — she still wasn't as tall as any of her brothers, which highly annoyed her.

Percy shot an annoyed look at his younger sister. She was very much like Fred and George, and rarely put her arm around anyone unless she was up to no good. "Hello, dear brother!" (Y/N) said cheerfully. "Say, the weather's delightful in Egypt, don't you think?" While Percy raised a brow and began complaining about the weather affecting his hair in the worst way possible, (Y/N) took advantage of the darkness and slipped her free hand into Percy's jeans pocket, and pulled out the shiny Head-Boy badge that he carried everywhere after receiving it. "-okay! Don't care about anything you're saying anymore, adios, brother!"

With that, (Y/N) headed back to Fred and George and tossed the badge in their direction. Nodding in unison, George dropped the badge on the floor just before exiting the creepy pyramid. Just then, Percy let out a yelp. "My badge!" he cried, feeling in all his pockets. "It's gone!" Everyone hurriedly checked their pockets in case they'd taken the badge by mistake, but Fred calmly suggested, "How about checking the pyramid?" Nodding hastily, Percy ran back in without a second thought.

Everyone else shrugged and began walking off, all ready to find a place for lunch after their fun but exhausting morning. Because everyone was distracted, Fred, George and (Y/N) began their job of pushing the large stone next to the entrance of the pyramid shut. They'd almost finished their job, but a stern voice called out from behind them. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Turning around, the three Weasley siblings saw Mrs Weasley angrily marching toward them. Percy, having just found his badge, gave a sudden scream when he saw he'd almost been trapped in the pyramid with all the mutated bodies.

Mrs Weasley quickly used a spell to roll the large stone aside, letting Percy get out of the pyramid quickly, his precious badge in hand. Seeing that their mother was incredibly angry, (Y/N) and her older brothers ran behind Bill, who stepped aside without a second thought, not wanting to get in his mother's way when she was mad. "Why can't I trust you three to not cause trouble after I've turned my back?" Mrs Weasley sighed furiously, turning around and leading the family away from the pyramids and back to the hotel, muttering under her breath as she went.

Thanks to Fred, George and (Y/N)'s little failed prank, the tension between them and their mother made the rest of the trip rather uncomfortable. After about a week, the family returned to England to prepare for the school year, and Ron and (Y/N) were incredibly excited to meet up with Hermione, Shelena and Harry.

Although, (Y/N) made the uncomfortable discovery that whenever someone mentioned Harry, she and Ginny would both jump in their seats before composing themselves in hopes that no one had seen them, but that was a slightly bigger a problem for Ginny than (Y/N). Ginny was used to expressing her feelings all the time, and therefore would blush bright red as her hair after someone mentioning her strange reaction, and everyone in the Weasley family teased her mercilessly about her growing crush.

(Y/N) felt a weird feeling in her chest whenever one of her brothers brought up the fact that Ginny had a crush on Harry. She thought it was anger, maybe a surge of protection over her only sister. Or perhaps it was a mixture of sadness and happiness; Ginny had always matured fairly quickly, so it wasn't surprising to (Y/N) that she'd be the first of the two sisters to have a crush.

But somewhere deep down, in the pits of her stomach, (Y/N) knew but refused to admit that this feeling wasn't anger or a sense of protection, nor was it sadness or happiness — it was jealousy.

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