Chapter Four

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After Professor Lupin had left the compartment and (Y/N) had taken her seat next to Ron again, Harry looked at both of them carefully. "What happened to me?" He asked. "Well, you sort of went rigid," Ron said. "W-we thought maybe you were having a fit or something." He continued, looking at (Y/N) for back up, and she nodded readily. "And- and did either of you two... y'know, pass out?" Harry asked in an ashamed voice.

"No, I felt weird, though," Ron said honestly. "Like I'd never be cheerful again." "Exactly the same here." (Y/N) said, stroking Crookshanks as she shivered. "But someone was screaming," Harry said simply. When (Y/N) gestured for him to elaborate, he said, "A woman," Yeah, like that tells us much more, (Y/N) thought to herself, but then informed Harry that no one was screaming.

All three friends looked at each other awkwardly, then faced away as quickly as they'd made eye contact.

•  •  •  •  •  •  •

After the twins and Harry had regrouped with Hermione and Shelena and had taken their seats at the Gryffindor table, Hermione and (Y/N) had a hushed conversation away from their friends' earshots. "What did you and Shelly talk about?" (Y/N) asked Hermione, concerned about why Shelena had simply burst out of the compartment like she had. "Oh, she wouldn't tell me anything, and I can't figure out for the life of me what secret she's hiding. It must be an awful secret, in my opinion..."

With that, the conversation trailed off as everyone sleepily listened to the choir's new song, more interested in the food their grumbling stomachs desired. The song was highly boring and rather depressing — something about trouble and bubbling cauldrons, but the school still politely cheered and clapped for the choir students.

After the students returned back to their House tables, Professor Dumbledore stepped up to the grand podium. "Welcome, welcome, to another year of Hogwarts," the old man said invitingly. "Now, I'd like to say a few words before we all become befuddled by our excellent feast." (Y/N) and Ron muttered annoyedly to themselves at that, both starving from the long train ride. "First, I'm pleased to welcome Professor R. J. Lupin, who's kindly consented to fill the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. Good luck, professor."

Professor Lupin stood up and bowed amicably to thunderous clapping, and the occasional comment from the students that he seemed quite young. "And quite good looking, to be honest," Shelena said, as Lavender Brown openly drooled over him. "Of course! That's why he knew to give you the chocolate, Harry," Hermione pointed out after a second of thinking.

"Potter! Potter!" someone hissed from behind. Harry and Ron both turned to see Malfoy behind them, leaning forward to talk to them. "Is it true you fainted?" he asked with a cruel smirk on his face. One of Malfoy's cronies sighed dramatically and slumped against the table, causing Draco's smirk to widen. "I mean, you actually fainted?" "Bit weak, aren't you, Golden Boy? Can't believe you fainted!" Pansy sneered condescendingly.

(Y/N)'s friend from Slytherin, Saskia, muttered very audibly, "Y'know, Pansy, I'd be very much surprised your mother didn't faint when she saw you for the first time,"

A loud gasp went up from everyone who'd heard the comment, and no one dared look at Pansy's reaction, so everybody looked down at their plates. (Y/N) pat Saskia on the back and congratulated her on standing up to Pansy a little. They stayed talking to each other for so long that neither girl heard Dumbledore's announcement of Hagrid taking over as Care of Magical Creatures professor.

When the loud clapping shocked both girls back to reality, (Y/N) had to rely on Hermione's excited, barely coherent squeals to find out the good news. Hagrid stood up quickly to accept the clapping and cheering, then sat back down awkwardly right after. "Finally, on a more disquieting note, at the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the Dementors of Azkaban, until such a time that Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance of the grounds..."

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