Timothy's mistakes

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Once upon a time, a little boy called Timothy. One morning, her mother asks him to go to his grandmother's house with a basket of apples. He takes the basket and leaves his house. To visit his grandma, he must go through a forest. Timothy walks and sees a woman with a black hair and a dress. It was the third time he saw her here so he decides to speak with this person. The woman is very nice so he gives her an apple from his basket. She crunches into the fruit and loves the taste so much that she finishes it in 3 bites. Happy that the woman loves his gift, he resumes his way. But neither of them knew that the beautiful girl was allergic to apples.... As Timothy comes out of the forest, the young girl has more and more difficulty in breathing.... She suffocates... faints.... and dies...

Snow White will wait a long time for her prince...

When Timothy arrives at her grandma he knocks on the door. Somebody opens the door for him, it's his aunt: The beautiful Cinderella ! She still lives here, with her mother, because she is not yet 18.

Auntie ! Said Timothy.

Timothy ! How are you ?

I'm very well ! I'm here to bring apples to Grandma.

Oh she's not here, she only comes back tomorrow but give me that, I will take care of it.

Cinderella takes the basket and puts it in the kitchen while the little boy goes into the living room. He starts playing with figurines while waiting for his aunt. Timothy hears her go upstairs before coming back to him with an incredible pair of slippers, the child is stunned. He has never seen one like that... They are made of glass!

Wow auntie! They are splendid !

Yes I know, it's your grandmother who offered them to me for the ball tonight. Here I confide them to you, I am going to get my dress. Be very careful, I'm not kidding !

Yes Cinderella

The young woman then goes in the direction of his room leaving his nephew alone. The little boy, curious, looks carefully at the slippers, and if he tried them ? He would remove them before Cinderella came back, his idea seems brilliant ! Happy, he jumps for joy, swinging his arms to the sides, but he forgets the slippers in his hands... One of them hit a wooden office. The glass broke in the child's hand and fell on the floor. Cinderella, from her room, hears a noise and knows immediately what just happened. She rushes into the corridor and down the stairs quickly. Timothy gets scared when he hears his aunt come downstairs, he doesn't want to be punished. He runs out of the house and flees to the next village until she calms down.

Cinderella will not go to the ball tonight.

Arriving at the entrance of the village, he hears cries, he recognizes voices giving orders to other voices. He advances to see what is happening and falls in front of the king's guards, all on horseback. Now that he is close enough to hear what the voices are saying, he understands. A man has stolen the queen's crown and is currently on the run in the streets. The guards divide to four groups and leave from each side of the village. The little boy stays on the square and watches the men with swords go in search of the thief.

Something falls behind him and when he turns around, he sees a young man coming out of a fruit and vegetable stall... A crown in his hand, it's him ! It's the thief ! He was hiding here ! Timothy screams and screams so that the guards can hear him, and it works. Two of the four groups of guards are back in the center of the village, the thief didn't have time to run away as he was already in prison.

Rapunzel will never have the chance to touch the lanterns with Flynn for her birthday.

Following this arrest, the king asked his guards to take the little boy home to congratulate him for his help and bravery. Timothy lay in his bed and slept like a baby until the next morning. The following days passed normally, until the day of the market.... Timothy wakes up early in the morning, then gets up and goes to see his mother. After having breakfast together, she asks him to go hunting for deer in the "Big Woods" near the village.

Timothy's mistakesWhere stories live. Discover now