The Lucky Charm

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Aurora's POV

He doesn't remember me from the first time we met. Well, it happened thirteen years ago, so it is possible that he forgot it. But I never did. I still remember that day, him and the thing he gave me. Which became my lucky charm.

Unknowingly, my hand reached to the side of my bag, where it was hanging. It never left my side for thirteen years.

I don't know if I am hurt or just shocked. Hurt because he doesn't remember me or was shocked that he is the same person I have been talking to these past few days.

I don't know what God is planning, but I am liking it. I don't know about him, but I always missed him.

Suddenly April stire up.

'April', how can I think of another man when Just now a man harmed my family. I really am shameless. The moment I saw him, I forgot in what situation I am.

How could he do that to my little sister? Was he always like this? Was I that desperate for a man to be in my life that I ignored all the signs of his evil nature? How could I not see April's suffering? I don't deserve to be their guardian. Aston warned me again and again. I just thought that he was just being a brother. How will I show my face to my parents? How will I see April in the eyes.

I was deep in my thoughts so that I didn't notice her waking up.

"It's not your fault." It was the first thing she said to me after waking up. I didn't believe her. Obviously it was my mistake. I was blinded by my needs that I put my family second. They trust me with their lives and yet I destroyed their trust in me. "I am telling you, I kept that from you guys because I thought it was just a mistake and that he is not that bad of a person. He never tried anything after that day. And when he came today, I called Aston immediately. I know I should have told you the first time, I could have saved you from that person too. You have sacrificed so much because of him." She made sure that I understand her. She knows me very well. She knew it would not be easy for me to leave this behind. I just nodded my head.

"Aurora, don't punish yourself on this. Nothing too bad happened. Aston and that guy with him saved the day. By the way, who was that man? He was very handsome. I was in pain so I couldn't see him properly. You must have seen him, how he looks?" She asked so excitedly. I chuckled at her innocent curiosity. She is a very shy girl. Only Aston and I know her true self.

"Yes, he is handsome." I smiled. We talked a little more than she fell asleep again.

Where is Aston? Why did he take the store's keys? And him, did he go to his home too? Is he still out of the room? But why would he be here? Obviously he would have gone to his home. How could I be so stupid to think that.




We are back in our house. April has already told us for the millionth time that she is fine, but it is still hard for me and Aston to believe her. She is our little baby and she went through all this alone, so we both are very cautious now.

"I will take you to school tomorrow. But I will be in the office in the afternoon. Are you free?" He asked me.

"I am free, I have to be at the store by 4:00pm I'll pick her up from school." I replied.

"Listen, I am 16, please don't embarrass me in front of everyone at school." April objected. But none of us paid any attention to her.

"Aston, you forgot something." I said.


"I need an explanation."

"Of what?"

"How did you end up in an office? I don't remember you telling me anything about joining for some part time?"

"I... It was..."

"The great Aston has nothing to say. This is epic. You always shut everyone up. Hehehehe." This childish person was April. She always complains how Aston always behaves so manly in front of us.

"Aurora, I will need experience, I am there as an intern. My professor recommended me there. He said that I could get better placement if I have some experience before college ends." He explained.

"So you are not doing this for money? I told you many times that earning for you guys is my job, you just need to focus on your studies." I asked him again.

"I will not say that 'money' was not on my mind while joining but it was not the only reason. It was like additional benefit." He said innocently.

"I hope you know that you don't have to if you don't want to. Will it not disturb your studies?"

"I am going to join the company I am working at. And everyone already likes me there. Augustus said that he will make sure that I will get a placement there after college. So it is not necessary for me to get the first rank. I will stay in the top 10, I promise." He said. He already had planned everything. He is always like that think of the future before doing anything.

When Aston said his name my heart skipped a few beats. A strange shiver went through my whole body. It didn't get unnoticed by April.

"Your senior. Augustus, right? You trust him that much, that you left your future in his hand?" April asked him. I would have asked the same if I didn't know who he was. But don't know why I still trust him, even after so many years. He may have changed, like he doesn't remember me.

"Aurora does too. She knows him longer than I do. But Aurora, you never told me what you talked to him after sending away?" Aston asked me. It reminded me how he forgot us. It made me sad a little. There was nothing to tell them.

"How? Why? When? You know that hot guy and you didn't tell me about it?" April was complaining.

"He is the guy we heard the story of."

"The guy from...paintings? Is he real? I thought she always had this strange fantasy about that prince." She looked at me and smirked. "He really is a, no a king." She said approving of him. I smiled.

He is not mine, he is not that prince anymore.

I let them enjoy this, there is no issue if I don't tell them. It's not like we are going to meet again anyways. Why would he want to meet someone stupid like me who let her boyfriend hurt her family.




"Hello, welcome to 'The Bay' cafe." I said the repeated line without looking up. I was ready to take the order but when the person in front of me didn't say anything I looked up. The empty cup slipped from my hand.

Why is he here? He can't be here.

"How are you, Aurora Swan?"




Hello, darlings. I am back. I am not going to say anything about how long it is going to go... Because just this afternoon, my mind was filled with ideas of how this story can extent more.

So there is no clarity about how many chapters there are going to be but it is confirmed that it is going to be good.

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