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1346 words

12/30/21-1/5/22 [funni, guess you can say i took a year on the prologue

The sun beamed down on the school grounds, blinding some of the students. Not Komaeda though, Komaeda is a little special, he doesn't really mind the raging rays of the burning sun above. Komaeda feels nothing to it, he has no feelings towards the heat. Infact, he doesn't really feel it. As he made his way to the entrance, he spotted a few friends around. Souda and Kuzuryu. A smile creeped up on his face, he was happy to see them.

He waved, smiling greatly.

"Kuzuryu! Souda!! Good morning!"
Komaeda greeted them. The yell pulled people's attention but then the attention disappeared after a short while. The two males who were called, looked at Komaeda.
"Uh. . hey, Koma!" Souda yelled back, the two deciding to walk towards the ill male. "How are you this fine morning?" Komaeda asked with his normal, usual smile. It was a predictable smile for Komaeda, he would always smile no matter the situation.




The three made their way into the school building, walking beside each other.

Komaeda is in between the two with Souda on his left side and Kuzuryu on his right. They were babbling on and on about the events happening in their class. It was chaotic with a mix of interesting things.

Once, two of their classmates, Owari and Nadai, were fighting over whoever was the strongest in the class. It was quite surprising how Komaeda and Nanami sat perfectly at their desks, unbothered by the thrown objects from the other two. The classroom wall was also gone for whatever reason. It was when Ms. Yukizome, their teacher, wasn't in the room as well so she wasn't able to manage the class before it turned into chaos.

As the three passed through the hallway, someone was also in the hallway with them. Matsuda Yasuke, the Ultimate Neurologist. He was walking, carrying a bag that was similar to theirs with different contents.

Komaeda's sight was directed to the neurologist. "Good morning, Matsuda. I hope you have a great day."

Matsuda turned towards the voice, making eye contact with Komaeda. Instead of responding verbally, he just quickly waved and passed by.

"Matsuda is really a great ultimate!"

Komaeda complimented him after he passed by.

"What about us, Komaa?" Sousa dragged out his name. "Of course, you two are great ultimates as well." Komaeda replied towards the mechanic.




Eyes locked the classroom clock. The class period was bound to end soon and they were waiting for the bel-


The bell screamed as Sensei Yukizome paused her lesson talk.

"Please have a great lunch, see you afterwards!"

Yukizome beamed as the students stood up and grabbed their stuff.

The class poured out of the classroom, running and walking towards the lunchroom.




'Where is that one guy that said 'morning' to me this morning?'

Matsuda looked around the lunchroom, holding his tray full of food.

Then, a figure standed out from the rest of the students. They were standing up for whatever reason and their appearance was matching with the guy in the morning.

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