003. ❛ excitement ❜

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CASUALLY WALKING AROUND THE TOWN, was something I looked forward too everyday

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CASUALLY WALKING AROUND THE TOWN, was something I looked forward too everyday. Now that the Delos-Angeles lived here, it made me even more excited about it.

Every morning at breakfast, I would see her walking in the town. It made me smile, seeing as she looked immensely still very tired.

Sometimes, seeing her right in the morning at breakfast. Abuela always invited them to breakfast- lunch and dinner. So I always saw her.

In the mornings, under the very bright sun I get to see her. Her eyes only have closed, from still being tired.

"Why do you wake up early?"

"Cause I want to be able to see the sunrise every day"

Everyday I find out something new about her, and each thing is something I love. But oh I am so in love, with the fact that each day she gets more and more comfortable showing her tattoos.

It made me smile.

Oh- don't even get me started on her smile. It's beautiful. She was the only one that I could make smile without having to pull a whole shape shifting show.

I woke up this morning, hoping just to see Rosa. I walk out of my room, going down the stairs and impatiently wait for Abuela to announce breakfast is ready. Julieta gives me plates to put on the table outside, and I notice we don't have any extra plates this time.

"Are the Angeles not eating breakfast with us today, I heard mom invited them last night for it?" I asked dad, as he was setting up the silver ware.

"They turned it down, since Delilah wanted to get started on cleaning right away for her guest that are coming soon"

"Do you know who?" Dad shrugs, placing down the last fork, knife and spoon.

"All I know it's someone that was close to them" Now I know what I'm gonna ask Rosa, when I see her.

"Why?" He asks me, as I went to look over at the town. I smile as I see Carlos drags her around the town, looking for things in markets.

"Oh nothing" I mutter, turning back around just to see him smirking at me.

"What?" I ask with a chuckle and he smirks a little more, as he pats the dirt of his pants.

"You just have that look in your eye"

"What look?"

"When you look at Rosa, your eyes have a little twinkle in them" I laugh, shaking my head putting the rest of the plates down.

"Whatever dad" I say, as he laughs walking back inside.

What is he even talking about- Nope, I'm not going to overthink this, because I know it's probably nothing anyways.

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