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Chapter Nine: "Different but Same"
Season 1, Episode 9

Chapter Nine: "Different but Same" Season 1, Episode 9

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christian comes towards the skatepark in his car parking it in the park's parking lot locking it after getting the skateboard, he has gotten from his father 6 years old on his tenth birthday what was still good as new, with the wheels black as they were originally white, the deck of it scratched up with the design he drew onto it.

he looks around seeing no one using the swimming pool skate ramp doing his skateboard tricks, doing a kickflip when he tries to do the same trick mr larusso was doing in his dojo in his house as christian went to spy on him.

christian does a handstand taking his other hand off of the floor as his skateboard rolled down the ramp as he breathes holding himself in position about to kick when he falls onto his shoulder.

he grunts moving his body off of his shoulder putting it back into place when he sees robby coming towards him with his skateboard in hand, "what are you doing here?"

robby asked knowing that christian didn't come to this skatepark, "just skateboarding," robby glared at christian, "i know you don't come to this skatepark, christian so what do you want?"

christian comes closer to robby holding his skateboard in his hand, "stay away from sam and the larusso's okay? i don't need you messing up another relationship for me," he stated pushing robby back who stepped forward to christian who smirked, "aw, did i get little robby sad?"

just when robby was about to throw a punch, christian blocked it with his skateboard shaking his head, "you never learn do you?" he leaned closer to robby's face, "i am always gonna be better than you at everything,"

christian then walked away with a smirk on his face unlocking his car, putting his skateboard into the boot of his blue audi rs3 closing the boot getting into the driver's seat driving away.


christian sat next to demetri in their classes practice test getting annoyed as he moves his pencil away from the piece of paper, "what's going on? the test is almost over,"

christian rolled his blue eyes at demetri, "it's just a practice test," he grabbed his pencil, "relax," demetri looked at him talking quietly, "easy for you to say, you have a girlfriend?"

christian turned to demetri with a confused look on his face, "what does that have to do with anything?"

he asked leaning to demetri, "i gotta do well on these, so i do well on the actual test, so i get into a good college, which will lead to a good internship then a high-paying job, and then,"

christian looked at demetri, "after a couple promotions, i should have enough confidence to get a super-hot girl," christian looked down at his piece of paper, "you got the karate, for me i gotta play the long game,"

DEVIL IN ME,  cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now