Chapter 1 [Rumors and Truths]

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This is the first time I wrote a story in a year, I need desperate feed back


One of my many animatronic puppets came up to me.

"Have you heard of the rumors

Now this was interesting, not many exciting things happen around here.
Not even Afton's new puppet could steer up anything new. Maybe she finally did something interesting? I hope so.

"No, would you be a dear and let me know."

Puppet began to tell me the rumors in detail.

"There's a human boy-"

She finally killed someone, finally.
Before I even try to get his new animatronic body, puppet continued.

"-He's alive, I heard Freddy protecting him by putting him in his chest cavity when the others and her get close."

This even more interesting than her killing the poor boy, first Bonnie getting killed again by Afton's puppet
How fun.

"Thank you kind sir, I must be on my way"

"Anytime sir" puppet said kindly.

I began to slowly to walk to Freddy's location. Lucky for me I have a built in tracker system for finding animatronic, why you ask? Just in case if the animatronics runs out of power on the job.

After 2 minutes I saw Freddy and the boy, the boy saw me and got in Freddy chest cavity immediately.

"Why hello Freddy"

Freddy got startled when he heard me.

"O-oh Mari, I thought you stayed at Puppet Kingdom during the night!"

"I usually do but I heard a very interesting rumor 2 minutes ago... do you wish to hear it?" I said with a sinister grin

"A rumor- you shouldn't always listen to those rumors, there not always right you know." Freddy said with haste.

"I heard there's a little boy with brown hair, a blue striped shirt, brown shorts, a bandaid on his cheek, and had brown eyes..."

Freddy looked at me slightly nervous

"And he's currently traveling with you"

"Well that must be false, as you can see he isn't here." Freddy said in a clam tone

"Nu uh, he's in your chest cavity" I said in a childish matter as I for force Freddy's chest open and pulling out the boy with gentleness but also extreme force.

"So this is the boy, what your name little one"

"G-Gregory" the boy or should I say Gregory stated with tears lingering his eyes

"What a nice name, now Freddy-"

Freddy try to attack my face but I doged with ease due to my body being the lightest out of the group.

"Oohh big old Freddy getting back in his violent nature, but don't worry I'm not under her control like the others." I said as I put down Gregory.

Freddy began to apologize hastfully.

"Its ok Freddy, you know it very hard to control me, but you aren't safe here the security guard- Vanessa, is close, let head to my part of the mall, it's safer there."

We began to head back to Puppet's Kingdom. This will be very interesting.

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(Notice: many secrets will be in ADFGX cipher, Caesar cipher, and Nihilist Viper)

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