Puppet Kingdom (chapter 2)

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This is getting more attraction then expected, anyways due to me not knowing how to insert the reader in the SB storyline the next couple chapters might not have Freddy or Gregory in it after this point

We got to Puppet's Kingdom pretty fast

"Here we are Gregory, Puppet's Kingdom" Freddy said happily

Gregory stared in awe


My part of the mall is the most visited part compared to the others, so obliviously the boss invested in my place the most to get more customers.

We headed inside. One of my puppets jumps on my shoulder.

The puppet was was wearing a security guard uniform and had brown hair and it looked oddly human.

"Oh Jeremy this is our guests"

Jeremy simply glared at Freddy, but gave Gregory a happy hand wave.
Gregory waved back

"..." Jeremy stayed quiet.

"Ah yes Jeremy doesn't have a voice box, Gregory can you go find me a spare voice box in the back."

I pointed towards the part and service room.

"Here's the key card to open door"

I gave Gregory the Puppet's Kingdom key card

"This key card will only work on doors in this part of the mall."

Gregory nervously nodded

I turned towards Freddy

"So I heard you malfunctioned on stage, are you ok?" I said with worry in my voice.

"Ah yes, I'm ok now, thanks for your concern" Freddy said cheerfully

.... I feel like I'm forgetting something, ah yes

" Did I mention that there's a killer puppet, or should I say puppets, in the past and service room." I said in a monotone voice

"WHAT" screamed

Freddy began to rush to the parts and service room. He began to bang on the door trying to open it, but it was useless. I pushed Freddy aside and put my key card in the card reader and it opened with ease.

"Lady's first" I said while opening the door. Freddy rushed in to pull off I freaky large puppet off if Gregory before the puppet long sharp "nails" cut open his neck.

"Seems like some of my test puppets are turning on by it self now, what a shame."

I kicked the head off of the puppet, my body may be very slender and light but I can still pack some serious fire power.
Time skip

Sudrp++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++±Freddy and Gregory had to head out because Vanessa was going do her daily run in my part of the mall

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Freddy and Gregory had to head out because Vanessa was going do her daily run in my part of the mall.
I gave Gregory a hug and he hugged back and simply smiled I also have Freddy a hug and a kiss on the cheek, he just "blushes" and stood there.

"Goodbye boys" I waved them off.

On time Vanessa came to the entrance to Puppet's Kingdom

"Hello Marionette" said Vanessa

"Hello Vanessa"

We began to stare at each other

"Are you going to come in?"

On que she went in

"Trying to get your job fast done huh?"


"Just like a bunny "

"Yep" said Vanessa

"I should start to call you Vanessa the bunny, it Vanny for short" I said innocently.

Vanessa stiffend

"Sound nice"...

* Vanessa POV *

How dose he know

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Yes sir...

End of chapter _______________________

That was fun, sorry for late update, I was to lazy to get started on it lolz

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