Steven and the Money Pile

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Steven and the Money Pile

There once was a plesiosaur plushie named Steven who was named after Steven Stone from the Hoenn region. His name was Steven Stove and he also liked rocks the wrong way. His best and only friend since he was new to the Flexing Room was Wallace, who was named after Wallace the Jerk from the Hoenn region. They were definitely just friends. Wallace is a lot taller than Steven.

"Hi Wallace! Have you heard of the money pile?" asked Steven Stove one day while he was sitting completely motionless and doing nothing on the floor. It was his favorite pastime. Wallace was also sitting completely motionless and doing nothing on the floor, but he had more lively vibes.

"Bruh what's the money pie?" He asked. Generally he was way smarter than this "Why do you even give a fuck about a pie? You don't even have a mouth+" he added.

"Not the money pie, the money pile. We're gonna take it! Do you have any idea how many rock bitches I can buy with that money?! And you can close down the gym and stand outside the Cave of Origin doing nothing since that's your favorite thing to do."

"Damn, that would be great. But where is it?" he asked, nearly shitting himself trying to change his vibes to reflect his excitement.

"It's on top of a mountain that's so tall you need to climb four other mountains to get it." Steven said. They are definitely mountains and not just shelves.

"Oh. Oh. OH. OH NO!" Wallace said as visions popped into his head of the two of them falling from the highest of the four massive mountains that are definitely not shelves, of them finding the money pile only for it to be in the wrong currency, of them making archeologist jokes even though they aren't real archeologists. "W-we can't do that! I have chickens here!" complained Wallace as Steven started packing a backpack.

"Those are pieces of yarn and they're not even yours. You don't even know what a chicken is." Steven replied, still focused on filling his bag with as many rocks as possible. They would need to have plenty of food for the journey.

"Yeah that's fair."

After hours and hours of arguing over what to pack and whether or not they should even go, Steven and Wallace started their journey to the money pile. Almost halfway to the base of the first mountain, they encountered a stack of 7 mountains-and-definitely-not-stairs that they didn't know where. We're? Wer. Were there.

"Wallace, I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you." Steven said, pushing Wallace close to the edge.

"Steven, wherefore?!" screamed Wallace "I thought you were my friend, old sport!" He started to cry stormily.

"I didn't even say the thing yet."

"Oh lol, old sport. What was it, old sport?"

"First off I'm sick of that already and second I'M TAKING THE MONEY PILE FOR MYSELF!" Steven shouted, throwing Wallace off the edge of the mountain to his death "Long live the-SHIT!"

Steven had planned every part of this journey, but he forgot that Wallace was long necc. Wallace dragged the traitor down with him, and they both tumbled down the mountains to their doom. Wallace fell all the way to the rocky valley below that was definitely not the floor, while Steven got stuck halfway down.

Steven couldn't move. Every part of his squishy plesiosaur plushie body felt like it was made of fabric and stuffing. He was about to close his eyes for good when he remembered his secret power. His name created a magical connection between him and the various Steven Stones in Pokemon media. Steven Stove was able to use this connection to kill Manga Steven Stone and blame it on the Regis. This gave him the strength to get up, get his bag, and continue down the rest of the mountains safely.

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