Lovers & Friends Part 1

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Jo’s POV:
Sitting in the middle of my living room with moving boxes stacked all around my apartment, I thought about all the memories that were made here. This was my first place on my own after my divorce. Nashville had meant new beginnings, a new life. And in more ways than one, it had been just what I needed. Nashville had been a place where I could go and be Jolene Cochran, the fun loving cosmetologist that had just moved to the big city and not Jo, the girl who had been in a toxic relationship so we should all feel bad for her.

But as much as I was going to miss the freedom that I’d found when moving here, I knew that going home was going to be something that was healing in a way too. There were still demons I needed to face back in Maysville, my ex in particular. But the dread that I would have felt 5 years ago when I thought of running into him wasn’t there anymore because I was stronger as a person and more confident in myself and who I was.   

The chiming of my phone pulled me from my thoughts. I couldn't help but smile as I saw my best friend's name pop on the screen with a facetime request. Not caring that my hair was piled haphazardly on my head, that my face was completely free of makeup, and that I was in old ratty clothes made for comfort, I swiped the screen to accept the call. 

“Hey you.” I said as Chase came onto the screen, that trademark HDEU hat on his head, his beard looking scruffy. “Time for a trim aint it?” I added as I gestured to his face. 

“That's why I’m calling. I know you leave tomorrow to head back to Maysville, but what do you say to giving me the best friend special one more time before you go?” he said, giving me those puppy dog eyes that he was notorious for. 

“All my stuff is packed up.” I said with a sign. “And I couldn't even begin to tell you what box that stuff is in.”

“Good thing I brought you a new set as a going away present huh?” said Chase, holding up a leather roll that I knew would contain every set of sheers that I could ever need, along with combs, brushes, and who knows what else. 

“Chasey, you didn't have to do that.” I said, tears spilling to my eyes. While my fatigue and nausea had pretty much gone away in the past few weeks, my emotions were still all over the damn place, making me cry over every little thing. 

“Don't cry sweetheart. I wanted to get you something that I knew you would use.” said Chase. 

“I’ll cherish them.” I said through my tears. 

“Good.” said Chase. “So, are you going to test them out on me or am I going to be forced to take matters into my own hands? You remember what happened last time.” I laughed at the look of mock horror that came over his face at the mention of that fashion-fopa that later became known as ‘The Stash”.

“For the love of all that’s holy Chase Daniel, don't you dare go back to the stash. I don't care if the People magazine said it made you look hot. You looked like a skinny Ron Jeremy.”  I said.

“Was thinking of doing a Fu-man-chu this time.” he said stroking his beard.

“That's even worse.” I moaned. “Get your ass over here so I can make sure you at least get one last good haircut before I go. And stop and get a pizza. You know I like it, extra pineapple.”

“Only for you Jo, only for you.” he said, smiling as shaking his head. “Give me 30 and Ill be over. Anything else you need?”

“Something chocolate.” I said with a smile. Chase knew I had a major sweet tooth but since getting pregnant, it's like it had just gotten worse. 

“You got it sweetheart.” He said with a smile before saying his goodbyes.  


With the pizza box sitting in the middle of the coffee table, our back leaned against the couch and our shoulders touching, I caught myself thinking about the things Amber and Brantley had said for about the millionth time today while he told me about some of the things that had already happened on the road this tour. There’d been a couple times tonight that I wondered if Chase had looked at me a particular way or grazed my hand in a certain way but I’d quickly shut that down. Why was I wondering about it now? Not like I could just change my mind about moving. I’d already told my landlord that I was leaving and the moving truck was going to be here bright and early in the morning. But you have tonight said that little voice in my head. 

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