Chapter 1

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        I woke up to my alarm clock blaring and quickly turn it of so my so called mother couldn't hear it. Today's the day I thought to myself. I'm going to get out of this hell hole. I've been saving up money sense I was 13 and I have had a job for 2 years now so I should be set for awhile.
        My thoughts were cut short by stomping coming up the stairs. Shit I thought. I looked at my clock to see it say 6:25. Shit shit shit. I started to panic. I was supposed to have breakfast ready at 6:20. I'm so screwed.
       When the devil herself walks through the door and sees me still in bed that's when she starts screaming at me. She said stuff like you ungrateful brat after everything I've done and you can't even do something simple as making my breakfast on time bla bla bla. I zoned out half way through. Suddenly I was on the floor with my cheek throbbing. I sight she must of hit me again. After the first hit they just kept coming in after another. Finally she got bored and decided to leave me but not before telling me to make her breakfast and that I better not skip school.
         After I was able to get up because of my new bruises and cuts I started to get ready for the day. I do finished getting ready in record speed. Racing down the stairs making my moms breakfast and putting it on the table. I quickly rushed out of the house and started making my journey to school.
       It takes me a hour to get to school. So I'll be late but it's not like I was going to go to class anyway. I mean this was the day after all. Finally when I get to school I went straight to my locker with my late slip. I got my books out and turned around to see Daren and his lackeys. My bully great.
      I sighed and asked in a bored monotone voice " What do you want Daren." He just smirked at me at signaled is lackeys to cover me. "Oh you now the usual." He said getting cocky. That's when I decided I've had enough and did not want to be beaten up again today.
        Before I realized it I punched him in the face and he when flying backwards. I smirked in satisfaction at his shocked face. I then proceeded to beat up his lackeys as they came  running at me. I took them out after awhile and then it was just me and Daren.
        "Your going to pay for that faggot" Daren spit at me. I tilted my head to the side a little, " Really are you now?" That seemed to piss him off as he comes running at me. I kicked him in the stomach why he got a few punches in too. This was going on for over 20 minutes until I got the upper hand and started hitting him until he was on the ground crying.
        I stopped and caught my breath. Suddenly the bell rang and that's when I realized I was fucked


     I was now currently in the principals office getting yelled at for my violent behavior. I rolled my eyes. Well if he just didn't bully me none of this would have happened. After he was done he sent us both to go to ISS why he called our parents. I sighed and just walked to my locker and go my bag out.
       It's now or never I thought. No one is going to know I'm gone until it's to late. With that thought of mind I ran and ran and ran until I was out of breath and noticed I was in another town. Well damn I ran fast and long I thought to myself.
       My stomach decided to growl and that's when I decided to get someone to eat. I walked to MCDonalds and got a kids meal and sat down to eat.
     When I was done I was going to start my journey again before I heard " Ethan Hall you have to come with me" I looked over and say it was a police officer and was about to run when he put his hand on my shoulder from stopping me.
      I winced. He is going to take me home and I'm going to get the worst beating of my life. Yay me I thought as I followed him to his police car and was handcuffed in the back. Great day.


Hello people. Sorry it's been so long sense I updated 😅, I've been going through some shit but I'm back now and I'll update as much as I can but with school and my job it will be when I can so probably at like 12:00 at night or during the weekends. Well thanks to the people who have voted and followed me. Love you guys! ❤️

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