Chapter 3: Bighit

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"You need to sleep now kiddo's I will set our appoinment or meet up today, so don't ya worry about that." Jin hyung said while we just followed him.

I first entered the room and took my bed to sleep, I'm sleepy tho! Good night guys!!

I'm here at the dining room sitting on the chair while typing my email to BIGHIT.

"Annyong! I'm Kim Seokjin from BTS, we want to set our appoinment/meet up tommorow morning at BIGHIT. If you have enough time, just tell me what time. Thank you!" I've done typing and clicked the sent button iwaited a few seconds to make sure that it's totally sent.

When i was to take my leave I saw namjoon coming on my way.

"Namjoon-ah why aren't you sleeping? It's getting late. Ahh it's 10:30 pm" I said in a serious tone.

"Mianhae Jin-hyung, I can't sleep" Namjoon said while pouting.

"Stop that, you look like a duck" I joked he just laugh and pass me by.

"Namjoon-ah you need to drink water nor milk" I said and wave him a good bye. I took my bed and went to sleep.


I woke up really, eaely in the morning i get myself ready and open my phone there was 2 unread emails from BIGHIT and other one, i opened bighit first.

"Okay, sure. Come at 7:00 am at Bang PD Office. Turn to the left and straight forward until you see Room No. 1 at the right. Bang Hi Seuk." I read the Email.

I opened the 2nd email and I was surprise that...

"Annyong! Joh-eun Achimnida. I guess you know me nor not? I'm your childhood friend, I've been finding out about you for more than a year." I read the email, but I remember I didn't have a childhood friend before!

Nah i'll just ignore this message and bring it in archive or block email so that I couldn't recieved her/his emails again.

When I remember about the meeting... I immediately get showered, and went down and cooked some breakfast. After a few moments I saw Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung went down.

I called them.

"Taehyung-ah, Jungkook-ah, Namjoon-ah come to the Kitchen! I've been waiting for you to get up" I said while signalling them to come.

"Ne Hyung!" they replied walking towards me.

"I'll go wake them up, bye the way when is the meeting?" Jungkook ask.

"7:00 am at BANG PD Office." I said while continuing to cook the dishes I've prepared, Namjoon-ah went upstairs and wake the others to have our breakfast completely.

The meals are now done I place them at the dining table and I grab the plate, spoon, fork, meat knife, and glasses and also the Water Pitchel.

I place them on where the members going to eat/positioned. We waited for Namjoon And the others before we ate.

"So Hyung, What are we going to wear? I didn't have clothes?!" They said while looking sad.

"Nah, Don't ya worry because Seungdeuk Hyung bring us our baggage!" I said while pointing the baggage behind the door.

Their sad faces turn into an Excited and Happy one. What a Kid!

"I'll go washing our plates and you guys need to shower now or some of you need to clean our house and go for a shower after 1 or 3 minutes." I said while my eyes is on the plates.

"Okay Hyung, I'll go first washing my body" Namjoon-ah said while walking away.


Were here outside of the building and the guard asked us a question.

"Who are you Guys and do you have an appointment? Who?" He asked, I surrendered to answer his question.

"We are the group who is passed in the audition yesterday, our group name is BTS. Yes we have an appoinment to Bang Hi Seuk A.k.a Bang PD" I said then bowed to him.

"Oh, sorry for not recognizing you sir's. By the way he is expecting you to come" He said then bowed 3 times.

"Nah it's okay, and also you don't need to be formal! Just call me Jin, Call Him Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin and Taehyung Sir" I said while smiling.

"Thank You! Wish you a good luck! Have A wonderful and colorful day today Jin and Others." He said while smiling back to me

"Yah! Gotta go, we're getting late." I said he just nodded.

I followed Bang PD instructions and the members just followed me quitely. It's an awkward quiet time so I broke the silence.

"Jungkook-ah, Yoongi-ah and other except for namjoon-ah i've saw you didn't talk yesterday and today. What's wrong? Do you have a problem guys? Or just shy?" I said while asking them a question, just a quiet answer I receive.

"Tell Is There anything wrong?" I said in a worried tone.

I stop walking that stop them too. I looked at them worried while they kept avoiding my eyes except for Namjoon.

"I-I'm sorry hyung just, I'm just shy" Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok said.

"Nah!!! Don't be shy! We are now friends even though we didn't know each other. We are now family because you and I are members of the up-coming boy Group.

The rest of you? Do you have a problem? A family issue or others?" I said while asking them and looking at their eyes this time Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok didn't avoid their eyes.

The other members except namjoon, Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung just turn their heads down.

"So-rry hyung! I try to not make it visible but it does. I had family problems before i auditioned to BIGHIT" Yoongi and Jimin said.

"But tell me are you really, okay?" i said while looking at those 2 members.

"Nah, but i'll try to be okay" They both said while slowly looking at my eyes.

"Okay, but please as your Hyung tell me what's wrong, okay?" I said in a serious and worried tone.

They just nodded their heads and i am about to walk when i saw the door that we were finding for. As we entered the door, i was shock when i saw Bang PD. He is cute and handsome man as I thought.

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