Chapter 9: Thanks!

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I was in the rooftop when someone Suddenly appeard that shocked me a little bit.

"Hi!" He said while looking at me. He is Jungkook.

"Hello!" I said and i feel my hair is being blowed by the wind. I feel Jungkook's arms on my left shoulder.

"Yah!" he said I looked at him and smiled.

"Wae?" i ask and stared at his eyes. I saw him smile and my heart started to pound.

"Thanks for taking good care of my hyung and thank you for the tips or advice you gave to us." He said I just smiled and pinched his cheek on the right.

"Ahh Seoyeon Noona that was hurt he said I let his checks go and said,

"Nah! It's okay You are my friends" I said and look at his eyes I saw happiness in his eyes that eye contact make my heart pound fast.

"Let's go inside it's getting dark and late." I said to jungkook.

"Wait, Noona-" He said, I looked at him looking at me.

"Wae?" I ask while staring at his eyes.

"Can i ask you a favor?" He said.

"Sure, Everything." I said and smiled.

"C-can you sleep with us?" he said I chuckled.

"Of Course Yes!" I said.

"Thank you Noona!!!" He said happily.

"No need." I said, was shock when he hugged me tight i just hugged him back.

"Ahem!" I heard a fake cough from our back.

"Yes?" We both said.

"Nothing. Jungkookie what did you said?" jin oppa said they are 5 guess it all bts members. It's so sad that Jimin isn't here.

"I Ask her if she can sleep with us." He said nervously and BTS eyes went wide.

"Wahh!!! Did she Agree?"


"Guys! Calm down! I agreed" I said and smiled when they yelled but why?

"Jungkook Why you didn't ask her to stay at us?" Jin and Namjoon Said.

I am so shocked by what they are talking about.

"Jungkook looked at me.

"Since my parent dies, no friends but i have you now and just staying at the very small apartment?!" I sighed.

"Yes she agreed!!!" Jin oppa said.

Wait! How did he know that i'm with that? Ahh I guess he's like so smart to know. We walked down and enter the building apart that given to them it was large. Larger than mine. But it's not like mine that like err my things isn't seperated because of that apartment.

"But I don't have clothes?" I said

"Don't worry we already know that you will agree so i told Seungdeuk hyung to pick your clothes up to your apartment" Jin oppa said.

"How did you know my address?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing. Bang PD, investigates your Identity and it turns out that you are good and have no criminal cases." He said.

I was shocked at his statement.

"Now, Seoyeonie please this is your bed." He added and smile then patted by shoulder.

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