Chapter 32: Everything

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"Open it guys!" I said then smile.

I really did it in purpose thinking they will get it. They opened it and they saw their favorite things, food etc. I also bought them computer sets but it was on the very big box.

I bought them phone cases, men's bag, printed t-shirt that is printed by their group name. I saw them glad.

"Gomawoyo Noona/Yeonie!" They said and hugged me.

Aish this kids.

"Go, open the last box their and read the note!" I commanded then I walked away to go to the bathroom.


It's a pleasure to see my members happy. The box is so heavy so, we decided to pull it on the floor with our opened gift.

"Where is she?" Yoongi asked.

"We don't know. She'll be back!" I said and tried to calm him down.

I opened the box to get their attention. There, in the box we saw the complete computer set, 24 phone cases; 7 is black, 7 is grey, and the last 7 is color white. There are 70 men's bag.

Each of them; 7 has the, the same color, 7 is color black, another 7 is color white, another 7 is color grey, another seven is color blue, another 7 is stripes, it color is Black and White, another 7 is Purple, another 7 is cloud design, another 7 is heart design, last seven is color rainbow with our gradient printed Group name.

I really wonder how did this kid know what is our stage names. We put the things who is for me and for them in their cartoon. I went out, last person will close the secret and Seoyeon's door too. I separate them and put it to it's correct cases.

No need to worry about the room. This is bigger than the BIGHIT ENTERTAINMENT given apartment. I went outside and saw yoongi is stepping downwards. So, I followed him, we spotted Seoyeon on the sofa peacefully sleeping.

I guess this girl is really tired. Yoongi turned his head shocked.

"Yah! Hyung you scared me! I thought it was ghost!" He said while playfully patting my arm.

"Mianhae Yoongi!" I said and Yoongi looked at me.

"Can you help me carry her?" He asked, I nodded.

I carefully carry her, Yoongi opened it and we put Seoyeon to her bed. Yyoongi covered her with blanket.

"Yoongi-ah?" Seoyeon said in a sleepy tone.

"Hmm?" Yoongi replied.

I left them.


"Yoongi-ah?" Seoyeon said in a sleepy tone.

"Hmm?" I replied and gave her a look. I'm lucky she chose to love me.

Ohh, she's sleeping. When I kissed her cheek, I accidentally touched her neck. She had Fever, I opened the door quickly and run till I reached the kitchen. I poured some water on the bowl and took a towel. I went to her room.

I placed the bowl with water on her bed side table and put the towel there, squeeze it then wash her hands, fingers, toe finger, and head with the towel.

After that I kissed her forehead.

"I hope you'll get well so fast." I said then took her dresser chair to have a sit.


I opened my eyes and I was about to move my knees when I saw Yoongi Oppa. What is he doing here?

"Seoyeon? You're awake!" He exclaimed and rubbed his eyes.

How cute!!

"Ne, Oppa! What happened?" I questioned.

"You have a fever. Wait i'm going to make a soup for you!" He said and he run.

"Wait!" You seems not to hear me. It's already late.

Have they eaten? I checked my notifications, most of it are from different sites and of course I read my manager and Sohyun's messages first.

"Yah! Eonni! Where are you? Aren't you going to the building? Manager is waiting you here!" She texted and it was 8 hours ago.

"Seoyeon-ah aren't you going here? Maybe you're sick." It was 2 hours ago.

"Ne manager. I'm sick. I don't think I can go there and practice." I replied.

He is typing.

"Oh? Get well soon." He replied.

"Thank You Manager! Hope to see you soon!" I replied to him and put my cellphone beside my bed.

Yoongi oppa entered the door carrying a tray.

"Here! Eat this first then drink this medicine!" He said and sat down.

"Thank you." I smiled.


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