Chapter One ~ The Start-ish

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Fionna watched from her spot on the couch, in her and cakes tree house as her friend, PG, paced back and forth continuously, muttering and mumbling to himself. His eyes look concentrated, his eyebrows were a little furrowed, and his hair was a little messed up from pulling at it in his thoughts. 

“PG..” Fionna called out to him softly, but was blatantly ignored as the prince kept pacing. 

“Gumball” she called out again, but got no response and she groaned.

"Gumball!” she shouted, throwing a pillow from off the couch in his direction. It missed, but still caught his attention, as he stopped his pacing.

He looked at her, “Did you just throw that at me?” He questioned and Fionna simply nodded, standing up.

"Your mumbling is creeping me the glob out, PG” she said, placing her hands on her hips, as the pink prince let out a sigh, and ran a hand through his hair again.

“I’m sorry” he said quietly. He moved past her, sitting down on the couch, taking his dearly loved crown off his head, placing it down beside him as i laid back, and closed his eyes.

Recently, LSP has called him with some news that quite frightened and shocked the prince, causing him to fly over to Fi’s on Lord Monochromicorn in a quick hurry, to tell her what LSP said, rumour or not, he needed someone else to hear it. And then he went into a now-im-stressed-and-pacing-helps-me-think mood, deep in thought. 

“Do you … You think it’s just a rumour, Fi?” The prince asked after a small silent moment, opening his eyes to look over at the blonde.

“Hmm?” She looked away from the window and over at him, as the prince rolled his eyes at how easily distracted she can be sometimes.

“What LSP said, do you think its true? or .. just a rumour?”
Fionna looked away and thought for a bit, before she shrugged, and looked back at him.
He sighed, as he looked at the wall in front of him. ‘maybe LSP said it to work me up..’ the prince thought to himself. He shook his head, as if to shake away his thoughts.

“Well, who cares anyway. Even if LSP is right, why does it concern me? It’s not like im interested or anything” He stated out loud, and looked over at Fionna, to find she was already looking at him, with an eyebrow raised and a small smirk, her expression basically saying ‘you sure about that?’.

Gumball glared, but his cheeks still tinted pink a little, so he turned his face to look back at the wall infront of him. Silence, after that. 

Gumball coughed to break the silence as he stood up, retrieving his crown from the couch and placed it neatly onto his head as he brushed off his clothing, and stood straight.

“Well, i guess i should leave” He said, as Fionna nodded a little, to fixed on the game she was playing on BMO. After being killed (ln the game) she groaned at losing before placing the controller down. “Alright” she said casually, as she followed PG to the front door.

“Try to stop thinking about it, alright?” she said, punching his arm softly with a soft smile, as she held the door open. Gumball smiled, rubbing his arm from where she punched him, and nodded in reply. He glanced up to a curvy stripe of black in the sky, before it came closer to him. He watched as Cake said farewell to Lord Mono, watching the monochromicorn talk back to Cake, in his weird morse code language. Quickly, Cake ran off to Fionna and jumped, getting caught by the blonde as Fionna and herself waved off to the prince and Mono. The prince waved back, and hopped onto Lord Mono, and was soon flown into the sky, and off back to his palace.


Lord Mono stopped at the the Princes balcony, allowing for him to hop off before he flew away, as if in a hurry. The pink prince hummed as opened the doors of his balcony and stepped into his room, shutting the doors behind him. From the other side of his bedroom doors, he heard a slight tittering of footsteps.
“Your majesty? Are you home?” He heard Peppermint Maid ask through the door, sweetly (no pun intended) as a soft knock came to the door.
He smiled, as he stepped over to the door, opening it, greeted by PM who smiled.

“Good to have you home, your majesty. Nothing happened to you while you were absent, i hope” she said, checking over the prince for any signs of injury. Nothing.

“Still in tact, and not a scratch on me, thank you” Gumball said and she smiled once more, nodded a little before she walked off, down the long hall.

“Never hurt when with that lovely Fionna’’ he heard PM say, watching as she walked down the hall “But that Vampire king,” he heard her tutting “Always trouble from that boy, always” was the last words he heard PM say, before turned as she walked through the halls.

The prince, slowly closed his door, and walked his wardrobe was. Out of it, he picked out pink shorts, the band shirt that one Vampire king gave to him (he still has no clue, why) and underwear. He grabbed a coral pink towel, and went to his bathroom, for a shower.

He closed the door, undressed, placed his crown on the sink counter, got the shower going and got in. Normal shower.

After cleaning himself, he turned the shower off, got out and grabbed his towel and dried himself quickly, before getting changed and placed his crown back to where it rightfully should be. He padded his way out of the bathroom, placing his towel and old clothes into a hamper for Peppermint to collect later on, and crawled onto his bed.
He comfortably set himself up on the bed, a pillow behind his back, his blanket pulled up to his hips as he leaned against the headboard of his bed. He turned on his lamp, and grabbed his reading glasses and the book he had previously been reading, opening up to the page he was on. 

He read atleast 40 pages, when all of a sudden he felt a chill rush through his room. He didn’t really acknowledge it however. He continued to read, and when he felt the presence not leave he muttered something below his breath. He pulled off his glasses and placed his book neatly beside him, and folded his glasses, placing them down as well. He ran a hand through his hair, leaning back a little more and crossed his arms.
“Must you always bother me?” he asked, when he saw the familiar figure become visible, floating at the front of his bed. Marshall had his typical smirk on his lips, hair tousled by the wind. He wore the same red plaid shirt and dark jeans -Bubba couldn't tell the actual color, it was to dark- as he floated over Gumball, hanging upside down, making his hair hang, and was more likely gonna be messier now.
“To answer your question, mm…. yes” he smiled, fangs exposing and PG just shook his head.

“Well, it annoys me” he states and Marshall just rolls his eyes.

“Well duh, genius, that's kinda the point” he says and Gumball just huffs out a breath. The vampire raised an eyebrow at Gumball.

“Everything alright, Gummy?” he asked, earning a quick glare and the nickname, but he doesn't mention that.

“Can’t you bother someone else?” The pink boy questioned, and Marshall just shrugged.

“Fionna can deal with my teasing, and i can’t mess with cake, otherwise i gotta deal with Fionna. The ice queen is weird and LSP’s reaction is too boring. So, in a word. Nope” he smirked, but Gumball just scowled.
“What is with your fascination with me?” The prince asked, and Marshall expression changed.

His eyes looked at the pink prince almost blankly and his smirk disappeared. Gumballs scowl went away, and his eyes looked at the vampire in some sort of realisation.

Marshall shook his head, snapping himself out from his thought.
He looked down at Bubba’s book, picked it up and looked at the book.

"Already read this before, the parents die” he said in a mumble as he tossed it down at the now annoyed prince, annoyed because he just ruined the book for him. His mouth opened to say something, but before he finished his first word. Marshall had left.

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