Chapter 3 ~ Silence

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A/N — Realised that in the last chapter LSP is a lot like Lumpy Space Princess, even though he's quite different in the show. I apologise for that, but theres like no one in the gender-swapped version that gossips like Lumpy Space Princess, so i made LSP like her. Sorry xD


Prince Gumball woke up, a little startled, to the sound of rustling when a cool gust of wind passed through his room,and brushing past his face. He glanced to where his balcony door was and he saw the doors were a little open, the curtains/blinds moving with the wind, which alarmed the prince. He sat up, a little cautiously as he slipped out of the covers of his bed, and shivered at the coldness. He walked over to close the doors, when he bumped into something, He rubbed his nose a little and his eyebrows furrowed when he couldn't see anything that he could've bumped.

"Hey bubba" he heard someone say softly. Someone that could be only one person, annoying enough to call him by that name. His heart seemed to calm down, and its racing pass slowed down when he realised that Marshall is probably the one that left the doors open. His suspicions were confirmed when Marshall became visible in front of him, a small smirk on his lips. But it wasn't his usual smirk. Gumball studied his face slowly, his eyebrows a little furrowed. Marshall's eyes were duller than usual, not in color, but Gumball could just see that he didn't look like the bright self he usually is. His expression was less of a im-here-to-piss-you-off-so-enjoy but more of a im-sorry-im-such-a-prick. Much softer than normal. And his lips, were pulled into a half smile, half smirk like thing. Overall, he just looked guilty. But of what?

"Is... everything okay?" the prince checked over Marshalls expression again, to see nothing change. Marshall just stepped passed him, and sat down onto the pink bed, and just stared. Stared at the door directly infront of him. Although confused, Gumball still sat down besides him, before the both were surrounded in silence.

"Is there a difference... Between existing and living?" Was the first sentence Marshall said after a long few minutes of silence. Bubba looked over at him and just blinked. "Well, technically they are similar but then again there are very di-" Marshall chuckled softly, cutting Bubba off as his hand gripped his hair, shaking his head a little, as if to question his own question.

"Out of all people, i just had to ask you" Marshall said, the sound of sarcasm coming across, making Bubba cock his head to the side a little.

"What do you mean?" he asks but Marshall just shakes his head. The prince huffs out a breath a little, becoming frustrated by the Vampire a bit to quickly for his liking.

"You cannot help yourself into my room at such an hour and then just ask me a unusual question out of no where, Marshall Lee" He scowls, purposely using Marshall complete first name.

"And then, not only do you ask me a weird question, but then you end up insulting me, when i just try to hel-"

And then he was cut off, unexpectedly. Marshall-Lee pressed his lips quickly to the pink boys, one hand resting on Bubba's cheek softly. Reason #1, to shut up the babbling prince. Reason #2, cause he's been dying (pun not intended) to kiss that ,said, babbling prince. Gumball's thinking and mind faltered as he tried to process a logical thing to do when this sort of thing happened. But through instinct, his eyes closed, and his body seemed to lean closer towards Marshall, kissing back which seemed to surprise the Vampire King, just a tiny bit.

But then, Marshall pulled away, his hand still cupping the side of the Princes face, and his eyes expression was that of surprise. And then, in an instant, he pulled away, stood up, and flew his way out of the room. Leaving the prince confused, and frozen.

And the balcony doors open again.


"Peppermint!" Bubblegum shouted through the halls, as he continued to button his jacket, a pink scarf over his shoulder not yet put on as he rushed to get one button done, whilst looking for peppermint maid. "Pepper! Pep- Curse this jacket" he huffed as he continued to button the jacket without success. He decided to stop, and finish the buttons, instead of rushing through everything. I mean, who tries to button up a jacket before 6 in the morning? He straightened his jacket when the buttons were finally done, and continued to walk the halls, pulling the scarf on and then matching wooden gloves as he continued looking for the little red and white maid.

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